Ancient Antiochene
Part Two
“Introduced to the Heavens.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 3rd 2024)
Our God cannot be known save by he whom He wishes to be known. This knowledge takes spiritual revelation, not rational, philosophic knowledge - though God gives thinking. God is transcendent. God sits upon the Sea of Glass which resides above the Pleroma. The lower Aeon’s of the Great Pleroma have inherited sin.
There are Seven Heavens in which each Aeon exists. God’s Uncreated Energies penetrate all of His creation. The lowest heaven is the planetary atmosphere, the blue sky and great clouds of our planet Earth. Here the birds fly, the rain falls, and the wind blows. Hot and cool whisps breeze through. Here we breathe with the rest of creation. God speaks in this heaven through His thunderous voice. Time can be experienced differently here by different people.
In this heaven Humans experience dreams in the theater sphere of the mind. Anxieties and fears are neutralized in this theater and sometimes revelations or visions are given. Even the fallen Archons may plant images of fear, distrust, or perversion to harass the true seeker.
The Second Heaven is the outer space of our beloved planet and all other planets. Galaxies dwell here. Here the stars shine, the moons float, the cosmic dust blows (Job 38:31). The angelic host flies in, out, and through this great cosmic expanse. From here the Watchers dwell. They have overseen the Fallen Creation. There are both good and bad angels, some with bodily form and craft, we may see their chariots of fire. There are windows in the Second Heaven that open to entirely new heavens of creation. Time moves slower in this heaven at differing levels.
The First and Second heaven contain the Fallen Matrix in which ye dwell. These are the lowest Aeon’s of the Pleroma. Here the fallen Archons rule as principalities and powers of the air.
The Third Heaven is the Paradise of God where St. Paul flew, whether in the body or out, he knew not (1st Corinthians 12:2). It is here that the saints dwell. A wall of Great Light separates this heaven from the two lower-fallen heavens. All who have become regenerated, born from above go here. At the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the paradise below was transported up to this heaven. Family members who have gone before await us here in Heavenly Bliss. When Christ appears for His saints, he will call us up-and-out to be with Him in this Paradise of God. The Holy Wedding Feast will take place here when Christ marries His Bride.
Eventually many saints will return and rule with Christ as kings and priests for 1000 years on a restored planet Earth to fulfill the Davidic Covenant in our current Space-Time Continuum.
The Fourth Heaven is the upper atmosphere of Paradise itself. Seraphim and Cherubim fly in this glorious heaven. The Chariot of God, containing disks within disks comes down into this atmosphere to visit His resurrected saints. Even the saints themselves may fly in this beautiful heaven. This upper expanse of Paradise contains the City of God where many of the righteous dwell. Through rules of created thought wonderful experiences are had here.
The Fifth Heaven is beyond the atmosphere of Paradise and it is called the Outer Court. It is the grand circle of the great expanse which surrounds the Holy and Holy of Holies. It is the beginning or yard of the Temple of Heaven. Moses was commanded to make a copy of this temple on Earth (Hebrews 8:5 – Revelation 15:5). This became the Sanctuary where the Holy Spirit, Sophia came down in She-kinah glory. Only when God calls a created being to enter, then they may enter this realm. Perfect law is experienced here.
This Fifth Heaven is the first of the eternal heavens. It has a floor or foundation that it is built on called the Sea of Glass. This sea of glass is what divides it from the lower heavens. On this platform is the eternal heaven for the saints and a special throne of the LORD. It is an eternal expanse - a Heavenly Garden which is beyond known beauty and unimaginable. The four heavens under this realm are the Pleroma. The Pleroma contains all of the creation - the first four heavens and all that in them is. Even the lower heavens will be completely restored at the Restoration of All-things. Creation itself longs for that day.
The Sixth Heaven is the Holy Place of the heavenly expanse - the Heavenly Temple. In here special council is held between God and His Archangels (Job 2:1). Seven High Angels dwell in this sanctuary dressed in exceedingly white garments. This is also a special place of communication with the angelic host. Jesus as High Priest officiates in the courts of heaven from here. It is here that He announces that His children are completely forgiven and sealed and saved.
The final and Seventh Heaven is the Holy of Holies. This is where the Trinity dwells as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. No one may enter this place and survive save through theosis and God’s approval. Here is where the untouchable, unexplainable, unknowing exists. This is the highest, above all other heavens. A non-created reality of all that God is, was, or ever shall be. Here is center nowhere and circumference everywhere.
Inside this eternity there is an 8th reality/unreality – sometimes called the 8th heaven – but in reality, it does not exist, it just is.
“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14)
We have become introduced to the Heavens.
This is most certainly true.
By Eric William King (August 3rd 2024)
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