Friday, January 17, 2025

"Quantum Realities in our Capitol World." ~ Antiochene Mysteries

More people are experiencing quantum 
phenomenon in the Macro Reality

"What does this mean?"

Above: Eric King gives us something to think about regarding quantum reality.

Any thoughts?

The Rosy Cross, a symbol of the Rosicrucian movement, was originally a Lutheran symbol. The Rosicrucians 
are a spiritual and cultural movement."

"Three Earth Ages." ~ Antiochene Mysteries


The Three Earth Ages

By Eric William King

In previous studies we have looked at the “Seven Dispensations” which comprise seven basic portions of historic time - starting with Adam and Eve all the way up to the “New Heavens and the New Earth”. It is very important for you to understand all seven dispensations as a true student of God’s Word. 

We also talk about the “Three Earth Ages”. Each “earth age” covers a greater portion of time than the seven dispensations. These earth ages contain all seven of the dispensations. So before we continue let us review the difference between “earth ages” and “dispensations”. 

Note: We believe in the phrase, Directed-Evolution. Simply meaning that God creates by Punctuated Equilibrium and Ex-nihilo.

The difference between Ages & Dispensations

The Bible gives seven basic time periods, each different in length which are introduced by a covenant or “agreement” given by God to His people. 

These time phases are called “dispensations”. The Greek word for dispensation is oikonomiaIt comes from a verb which basically means “to manage” or “regulate” time. God has “dispensed” these portions of time as programs, like school classes for His people

In a dispensation God tests man in respect to a specific revelation of His will. Each dispensation is showing how God is working out His purpose through differing economies. Theologically we also talk about “ages”. We make a distinguishing difference between “dispensations” and “ages” here. We say that an “age” stands for a period of time between two great physical changes on the earth’s surface while a “dispensation” stands for a covenantial probationary period between God and His people. 

The Bible clearly outlines “Seven Major Dispensations” and “Three Earth Ages”.  

The First Earth

We must start with an explanation of the First Earth. We do not count the first earth and its destruction as an “Age” because we count ages only after the creation of modern humanity beginning with Adam and Eve. So the first earth did not have humans - as we understand them - living on it. The “first earth” was just the “first earth”. We live on an earth that was completely reconstructed so we live on what we would call “the Second Earth”.

The First Earth is introduced to us in Genesis chapter one and verse one which reads; “In the beginning God CREATED the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) In the original Hebrew the word “heaven” is singular and in this case is specifically referring to our planet (Earth) and not to the entire universe and its multiple systems. So we can understand that it refers to only earth’s atmosphere and our local solar system space. 

Here is a side note on the Three Heavens…..      

I want to briefly mention what the “three heavens” are that Scripture speaks of. (We have whole other studies on this subject.) So here is a basic understanding of the “Three Heavens”; 

1st Heaven – Is Earth’s atmosphere and stratosphere. Here birds fly, the wind blows, the rain falls, etc. The first heaven is the one that we all currently live in. We are not alone in this first heaven. Interdimensional angels are here too, both good and bad. Also the fallen ET’s called the Nephilim are participating in spiritual warfare in both the 1st and 2nd heaven. (Matthew 24:30; 1st Thessalonians 4:17; Ephesians 2:1-2) 

2nd Heaven – Is outer space which includes all that we currently understand about our awesome universe. We go there whenever we travel to space. We are not made to live there so we must modify our bodies with space suites to operate in the “second heaven”. (Psalm 19:1-6) 

3rd Heaven – Comprises the celestial spheres (sometimes aka aions). Apostle Paul was taken up to “the third heaven” (2nd Corinthians 12:1-4). Only your “spirit/soul” body can travel to the third heaven. There is no physicality to the third heaven, at least not as we understand it. There are actually four other dimensions to this spiritual realm talked about in Scripture. (See our other studies on the 7 Heavens to fully understand this.


So this First Earth begins with the creation of our beautiful planet that we call Earth. We note that Genesis 1:1 states that this planet and it’s atmosphere were simply created, no six day creation mentioned in this first verse so contextually (using the “near” and “far” 2nd Antiochene Hermeneutic Rule) we will find that the first earth was created perfect and ready to be inhabited

It is also interesting to note that Genesis 1:1 is made up of exactly seven Hebrew words and the number seven throughout Scripture represents “completion” - it was completed. These seven Hebrew words collectively use 28 letters and 4x7 equals 28. Four is a number which represents “foundation” throughout Scripture. 

So the original “planet Earth” was made complete and inhabitable. The very second verse of the Bible properly reads in the Hebrew; “Now the earth BECAME (Hebrew: Haw Yaw) formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) So the original translation tells us that something happened in-between verses one and two of Genesis….something that brought desolation to planet Earth

We read about the angels that “shouted for joy” when God made the first perfect earth (Job 38:4-7). So what happened to it that made it become “void” and “chaotic” [without form]? 

In our “far context” regarding this subject we read; “For this is what the Lord says – he who CREATED the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty (Hebrew: “without form and void”), but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) 

It seems that the prophet Isaiah was given special insight regarding this subject. The First Earth must have been so very beautiful, almost unimaginable. We are also given hints that this first earth was inhabited. We read in the prophet Jeremiah; 

“I beheld the earth, and lo, it was WITHOUT FORM AND VOID; and the heavens, and they had NO LIGHT. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they TREMBLED, and all the hills MOVED LIGHTLY. I beheld, and, lo, there was NO MAN, and all the BIRDS OF THE HEAVENS WERE FLED. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a WILDERNESS, and all the CITIES thereof were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by His fierce anger.” (Jeremiah 4:23-26) 

This sounds like what we would call a “parenthetical prophetic statement”. This simply means that when God spoke through the prophets He sometimes placed statements having to do with past events or even future events (having to do with judgment and or redemption) in between the context which sometimes seems out of place. This is to make His hearers become close and careful listeners.  God wants us to understand the bigger picture of His Word

Jeremiah 4:23-26 may be speaking of what we would call the Pre-Adamite Earth – or the First Earth. If this is speaking of the earth before the re-creation of the surface of the earth (before Adam & Eve) then it shows that there was an “early man” inhabiting it along with early animals such as the dinosaurs long before our common human races came about. 

Many Christians today have been taught that planet Earth is only some 6000 plus years old. They also go on to state that this is what the Bible teaches. Wrong! The Bible does not give the exact time or any time when this planet was created. 

So what Destroyed the First Earth?

If you read the rest of the Bible you can begin to understand what happened in between these two verses. What happened was a spiritual war. When we read the account of Adam and Eve we note that sin already existed, before man was created. God never creates anything “void” and “without form”. It is sin which brought destruction. Remember, when God first created the planet … he did not create it to be empty (Hebrew: “without form and void”), but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) 

There was a Pre-Adamic Earth (earth before Adam & Eve). Lucifer (Satan) and his angels were in charge of the planet long ago. Satan rebelled and brought destruction on the first world. The geographical earth-plates shifted during this first great rebellion. The earth literally became “without form & void”. We have Scripture which confirms that Lucifer once walked in the Garden of Eden and he was still without sin, he was here before this great destruction. 

We have an exact account about Lucifer before he sinned; 

“You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. YOU WERE IN EDEN, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you; ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.” (Ezekiel 28:13-15) 

So we know that Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden before sin…still “blameless”…this would be on the first earth, before his rebellion. He was in charge of the earth. Even in his fallen state (as Satan) he is still called “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). As the “god of this world” Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this fallen world (Matthew 4:8-11). Jesus of course turned him down.  

This is why Jesus Christ bought and paid for the legitimate title deed of this planet (depicted as “the Seven Sealed Scroll” – Revelation 5:5; Jeremiah 32:8-15). The Bible says that as Christians we were “bought with a price” and that we are “sealed with a deposit” which “guarantees our inheritance” (Ephesians 1:13-14; 1 Corinthians 6:20). 

The First Earth Age

Now we will begin to understand what we call the Earth Ages. It starts with the renovation of the planet along with new creatures and the creation of mankind. 

So after the second verse of Genesis we begin the account of the “reconstruction” of a planet gone wrong. We note that on the “first day” of the recreation God “brought forth light” - it does NOT say in the Hebrew that He then “created” the light (Genesis 1:3). Remember, after the destruction of the first earth the atmosphere was covered with “darkness” (Genesis 1:2). It was on the first day that God allowed some light back, not all. Some of this light was also no doubt produced by electrical storms. 

In the “second day” we have an atmosphere reforming (Genesis 1:1-7). The second day’s work was the beginning of the readjustment of earth’s atmosphere. Then we come to the “third day” where land begins to appear and vegetation is restored. On the “fourth day” total sunlight is restored to earth’s surface – completely clean atmosphere, no more darkness. 

Only when we get to the “fifth day”, “sixth day” and “eighth day” do we get to the actual Hebrew word “bara” – which means ‘created’ or ‘create’. On these last days of the Creation Week God did actually create (bara) brand new animal species and on the “sixth day” all the human races.

Really there is no “eighth day” mentioned in Scripture but we use that as phrase - a reference for the creation which did indeed follow the Seventh Day. These were probably not literal days. The Hebrew word used for “day” in regards to the six day creation does not necessarily mean a literal 24 hour day. These time periods probably differed somewhat in length. 

The Hebrew word used for “day” (yom) and the contextual way it is used doesn’t mean that the days have to be literal days. They can mean a “lengthy period” of time. The Bible says; “For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8) 

God gave literal day weeks for man to remember the gift of creation and the manna He fed them while in the wilderness (Exodus 16:23). The macro creation week is remembered in a micro week of literal days on the Jewish calendar. The literal Sabbath Day marked the week and ultimately pointed to Jesus Christ who becomes the “Life Giver” and “Spiritual Rest” of the true believer(Hebrews 4:3; Matthew 11:28-30) 

This First Earth Age contains two dispensations which are the “Edenic Dispensation” and the “Antediluvian Dispensation”. 

So what Destroyed the First Earth Age?

 “Then men began to multiply on the face of the earth.” (Genesis 6:1) The godless descendents of Cain had outnumbered the descendants of Seth. Population of the ungodly and moral relativists jumped. Materialism and hopelessness spread. 

The “daughters of men” from both the line of Cain and Seth were living in the first dispensation of sin. Adam and Eve had failed and the parents of all the other civilizations started noticing a huge difference in all activities of planet earth. Animal activity, weather activity, human relationship activity, all had now been contaminated by sin. 

The human disconnect from the True God made them replace God with superstitions. Some decided “just do what you want, there is no God”.

Different civilizations around the globe began to experience fighting and arguing. Sickness, disease and death came upon the entire human race because of sin. The early civilizations though were spoiled in many ways. Early in this dispensation sin had not yet the power it has today in that it had not demonstrated what it was fully capable of yet. Morality was still trying to be clung to much as it is today in some parts. 

After Adam and Eve’s sin some early clans of humans in different parts of the globe killed themselves off through in-family fighting and sickness. In many lands humans degenerated into acting like animals to survive. Most of the gifted Kenites kept building.

Many people became comfortable in sin and complacent (lazy). When everybody was indulging in the comfortability of sin something happened that would forever add more curses to our planet. 

Bad gods from the sky

A time came towards the last part of this Antediluvian Dispensation when “…the Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them that they chose.” (Genesis 6:1-2) Who were these “Sons of God” (Hebrew: Bne-Ha-Elohim)? They are not the sons of Seth. Seth’s descendants lived with Cain’s descendants. Though Cain’s offspring had more proclivities to sin, both Cain’s and Seth’s offspring were sinners. They intermingled. 

The phrase “Sons of God” in the Old Testament is a reference to celestial angels. If Cain and Seth’s offspring intermarried and had children there is no reason for this to create “giants” or “Mighty Men”. 

So both Cain and Seth with their descendents are “sons of men” from the Adamic race. The “Sons of God” that “noticed the daughters of men” (Hebrew: Bnoth-Ha-Adam) were angelic beings who came down and took on flesh bodies. They ended up having relationships with human females which created a hybrid offspring called in the Hebrew, “Hans-Nephilim” which means “giants” and “Hog-Gibborim” which means “Mighty Men”. 

Nephilim” comes from the prime root “to fall”, contextually meaning “fallen angels”. 

Part of this fallen angel plot was to destroy the Adamic-genetic-bloodline through which Messiah was to come. All throughout Scripture we find Satan trying to destroy this regal bloodline

We have to remember that before God created humans He created angelic beings. These beings (“Sons of God”) were with God when He first created the perfect earth (Job 38:4-7). Since the fall of man angelic beings have been involved with humanity and the plan of God. These angels made a very bad decision that God allowed to happen

These angels that committed this horrendous sin have been punished. According to the New Testament book of Jude they are being held in “chains” in “darkness” (Jude 6-7). While these evil angels are being held Satan’s angels are allowed to “roam the earth” under Satan’s command. Satan and his angels also have access to the “first” and “second” heavens (Earth’s atmosphere & Outer Space). 

So these angels which “left their first estate” (Jude 6) to have intercourse with human women are being held in a spiritual place called Tartaros (2 Peter 2:4-5). Tartaros was known by the Greeks to be a “nether world” comparable to Hades. This angelic sin with human kind was so terrible that God decided to wipe clean the part of the earth that they all lived on so He did. God brought forth his servant Noah to warn the people that a Great Flood was coming and that all the land would be consumed by water. 

This Great Flood recorded in Scripture for us was a “regional flood” which affected at least one fourth of the land on our planet. The use of the word “earth” regarding the flood is a Hebrew word which can also mean “Land”. 

Evil Hybrids Still Here

In each dispensation man is trying to consciously or unconsciously restore Paradise and Create the Perfect man. The bad angels have always interfered. Satan and his angels point people in every direction that points away from God. 

We find that after this dispensation which will be destroyed by a Great Flood the Hans-Nephilim appear again under the Legal Dispensation (aka “Mosaic Dispensation”). We read mention of them in Numbers 13:33. This shows that angels came down again with their “human abductions” and sinful sexual activity. They did this through the “descendants of Anak.” (Numbers 13:33) 

Jesus warned that right before He returned it would be “like in the days of Noah”. (Matthew 24:37-42) During this time the “daughters of men” were being “given in marriage” to the Hans-Nephilim (angelic beings not from our planet). We see this happening today through all of the so called “extraterrestrial abduction” cases. This along with other strange demonic activity being witnessed on our planet shows that the “fallen spirits of the air” are already here. These beings along with the Kenites make for an interesting planet. 

God Instructs Noah

The outcome of the celestial invasion by bad angels is the event that caused the end of the Antediluvian Dispensation. This dispensation is called in the NT book of Acts the “times of ignorance”…a time when God “overlooked” much and showed much “long suffering” (Acts 17:30). There was no written Law yet, this is before the yet to come “Legal Dispensation”. Humans still have much to learn. Again, we can understand the dispensations of time kind of like a giant class room for humanity. In and throughout the times God’s children are developing individualitypersonality and a personal God relationshipGod’s people are to attain Holy Spirit guided experience and to develop Godly Wisdom. 

During this time in the Second Dispensation when angelic beings actually came down to commit sin with the “daughters of men” we read; “The Lord saw how great mans wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.” (Genesis 6:5-6) 

God called Noah from the Adamic race. Noah was wise, full of experience and close to God. God instructed Noah to build a first class ship, a giant ark. This ship would hold all the animals from the region. God instructed Noah; “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth (land).” (Genesis 6:13) 

When the ark was finished God told Noah; “You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.” (Genesis 6:19) God goes on to instruct Noah to bring food into the ark also. As far as “clean animals” (animals good for food) God told Noah; “Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, male and its mate.”(Genesis 7:2) Some Bible students believe that two from every human race (male & female) were also taken on board. These were the pre-adamic 6th day people comprised of every race. Remember, all the human races were created on the “sixth day” and Adam and Eve on the “eighth day”. 

Noah was of the Adamic race (from Adam and Eve’s bloodline). We read that Noah was perfect in his generations” (Genesis 6:9). “Perfect in his generations” meaning he was of the Adamic bloodline (of one pedigree) that was being protected, this is the line that the “promised seed” would come through. Noah and his family had also stayed clear of mixing with the Hybrids (the “Hans-Nephilim”). Noah was following God’s plan. 

The Mockers

In 2 Peter 3:4-9 we read about the way it was right before God brought on the “Great Flood”. “They will say, “Where is this coming he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of the water and by the water. By the same waters also the world of that time (the time they were mocking Noah) was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men. (This coming destruction will be the end of the Second Earth Age). 

Even today we see people mocking Christians who talk about the rapture of the Christian Church. Just as Noah and his family were taken into the ark for protection so shall the true Christian saints be raptured up to meet the Lord in the air which will end this Second Earth Age

Here Comes the Flood

This Second Dispensation ends with the Great Flood. The Bible predominantly focuses on Israel and the “people of God” because it was through these people that God would unfold His drama…the Great Plan of Salvation

After the Great Flood we enter the Third Dispensation. God gave Noah another “new covenant” to obey and keep (Genesis 9:1-19). 

To sum up this dispensation I will quote Dr. A.T. Pierson who wrote; 

“First, an advance in fullness and clearness of revelation; then gradual spirit declension; then conformity to the world, ending with amalgamation with the world; then a gigantic civilization, brilliant but Godless; then parallel development of evil and good; then an Apostasy, and finally a CATASTROPHE.” 

We are in the Second Earth Age

This Second Earth Age contains four dispensations; "The Postdeluvian", "The Patriarchal", "The Mosaic" and our current "Ecclesiastical Dispensation".

Since the receding waters of the Great Flood our earth is in the Second Earth Age. We will stay in this second earth age until the end of the Great Tribulation. This of course will involve the great battle of ArmageddonGod will intervene with all the Saints and renew again the surface of the earth. (Acts 3:21; Matthew 25:31-34)Those who survive the Great Tribulation (the Tribulation Saints) along with many Glorified Saints will help in rebuilding the surface of the planet. This will usher in the Third Earth Age which will be the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. 

The Coming Third Earth Age
A Renewed Planet Earth

At the end of the Great Tribulation all the true saints will be gathered in heaven. Jesus Christ and all the saints will return to planet Earth and “renew it” (Zech. 14:5; Isaiah 66:22-24; Acts 3:19-23). Those left on earth after the tribulation will enter the Millennial Kingdom of God (Matthew 25:31-34; Revelation 20:6). This kingdom phase will fulfill all of the Davidic promises that God made with literal Israel throughout the Old Testament (2 Samuel 7:4-17; 1 Chronicles 17:3-15). This kingdom will last exactly 1000 years (Revelation 20:6; 5:9-10). 

The Modern Followers of Jesus Christ are proclaiming this Kingdom even now (Acts 19:8) and they are also praying for it to come (Luke 11:2; 21:31). Jesus empowered His church to go into the entire world with this redeeming message (Acts 1:6-8; Matthew 28:18-20). 

Many resurrected and glorified Christians since Jesus first built His church will assist those human families that will be left after the Great Tribulation (Isaiah 65:21; Revelation 5:10; Matthew 19:28). The Christian Church will participate in training humans during the Millennial Kingdom. (Revelation 2:26-29; 1 Corinthians 6:2-3; Obadiah 21; Jeremiah 23:4; Isaiah 65:17-25) 

Think about how awesome our God is! First He saves us and trains us, raises us up. Then He allows us to participate, during the Millennium and throughout eternity, in helping others by using the knowledge that He has shown us. 

At the end of the 1000 year kingdom there will come a conclusion called the “Great White Throne Judgment” (Revelation 20:7; 11-15). All evil will be destroyed and a complete NEW CREATION of all dimensions will occur – space and time as we know it shall end. This is called the “Age of the Ages” (Revelation 21:1; 1 Corinthians 15:26-28). A complete new spiritual planet and universe. This will be our eternal abode beyond any comprehension (Revelation 21:3-4; Isaiah 55:8-9). 

Having a Happy Future

God promises all of His true children lasting happiness within the best of all that is or ever shall be – this is no mere dream. God has provided His creation with instructions – the Word of God. God’s word contains the Truth and the message of Everlasting Life

Jesus prayed to God the Father; “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) God wants to give you a relationship that will last into eternity. God has helped lead humanity throughout all the dispensations of time. Just as a child may go through different grades in school so has God lead humanity. From our first human parents we count Seven Major Dispensation Periods given to us in Scripture; we are in the sixth. 

God has left so much beauty on this planet. We have taken advantage of most all the things we have. While here as Christians we are to enjoy this planet with God’s love. We are to help take care of this planet but we also realize that this planet will soon come to an end as we know it. This makes us take nothing for granted. 

The most important message that this planet has is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A true Christian in God’s hands has nothing to be anxious or fearful about. The message of the Gospel will save the most utterly lost soul. All you are asked to do is believe. 

It is my wish that you would continue to gain the accurate knowledge of God through His word and His church. God’s word gives us guidance through our daily lives and into eternity. 

As God’s people we embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are “born again” citizens of Christ’s Kingdom here on earth. We have a job to do. We are to serve our King. We are ambassadors of God’s kingdom. Jesus instructs us to “seek his kingdom”. My prayer is that you would truly begin to seek for that kingdom.        

Resting in the finished work of my Savior and King, Jesus the Christ.

By Eric William King (June 24th 2020)


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