To many this is a fictitious work. - E.W.King gives us a lot to think about. This article is interesting. Most people believe that God first created "chaos" or a "chaotic mess" and then brought order from a mess. This is an old occult doctrine - "order out of chaos". Something to think about. If God created the Earth perfect (at first) and then something bad happened makes more Biblical sense. We do use the phrase, Directed-Evolution. We mean that God does create by Punctuated Equilibrium and Ex-Nihilo. Just a thought.
A History of the First Earth
In this somewhat fictitious work E.W.King gives an orderly explanation yet also an extraordinary explanation of what might have happened during the time of the First Earth. We really do not have all the details but through intense study of early manuscripts (including ancient Sumerian, Egyptian & Chaldean texts) and scientific data we have at least a possible scenario. This study follows the proper Ancient Antiochene Hermeneutic Rules of interpretation. This understanding allows for the integrity of the Scriptures to be fully maintained while at the same time not conflicting with basic scientific discoveries. Where we differ from science is that we believe in Intelligent Design and CREATION, not evolution. We do use the phrase, Directed-Evolution. By this we mean that God guides creation conducting Punctuated Jumps. He also creates Ex-Nihilo. Please read, share & enjoy!
By Eric William King
Our planet Earth was created by Divine Intelligence in the eternal past. The planet was governed by Lucifer who was a highly intelligent being created by God [Elohim], who had the high title of “the Morning Star”. “Morning Star” is a title given to Earth’s planetary King (Ruler). The first planet [early earth] was like a paradise. The animals were different than those that we now have. Many dinosaurs were roaming around. There were also celestial created angelic beings who were allowed to “take on flesh” bodies which looked somewhat human but had many variations.
There was a garden called “Eden” on this first earth. It was a headquarters of beauty.
This first planet experienced many changes over many thousands of years before the Great Rebellion occurred. All living beings that were human-like (bodies inhabited by the angelic beings) had glorified physical bodies, all functions uncontaminated by sin yet. Then sin entered. This first great rebellion happened when Lucifer decided to break the rules and let pride enter his heart.
Let us look back into time and try to begin to understand what the first earth was like, how it may have been many, many moons ago. This perspective is from a pure Ancient Antiochene Christian approach and understanding. This outline will most certainly not be detailed. Many of you that have studied here understand what “dispensations” are from our theological perspective. Just as we have documented that our current planet is experiencing the sixth dispensation of Human time known as the Ecclesiastical Dispensation so we must also understand that what we call “the First Earth” also went through a series of dispensations – special periods of time long before the creation of Adam and Eve – the Adamic Race.
When we talk about the “first earth” we mean our current planet before the Great Luciferian Rebellion took place. This rebellion was incredible. This was basically what some might call the “war of the gods”, or “the angelic war”. Much of this information will be based on the Biblical narrative that we have already laid out in previous studies. Some timelines are speculative but somewhat corroborated by the earliest scrolls on record and our scientific knowledge.
So let’s basically start by giving a dispensational time line of the history of the “First Earth”.
First Earth Dispensational History Outline
1-Divine Intelligence [God] created our planet and solar system instantly. “For this is what the Lord says – he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty (Hebrew: “without form and void”), but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18)
So the original “planet Earth” was made complete and inhabitable. This happened at an unknown time in the far distant past.
2-The first earth was originally one basic large land mass and one giant ocean of water. On this first earth Lucifer and many servant angels planed the government and shaped the planet’s land masses and they were involved in observing and taking care of micro life. These beings had access to the planet’s surface; they had physical glorified bodies but also had access to flying in earth’s atmosphere and even going into outer space and the “third heaven”, or “spiritual heaven”. We put this very early period of our planet at about 1.4 billion years ago.
The large ocean did in fact have a verity of ocean life in it on the first earth. The angelic beings at about 700 million years ago began to add the polar caps to our planet. They actually experimented by first freezing the entire surface of the planet. Our average earth temperature at this time was around minus 40 degrees with the ocean being a mile thick deep of ice.
3-At around 550 million years ago they experimented by splitting the one large land continent apart and forming islands and other larger, yet separate land masses. Remember, these angelic beings are not doing the creating but they are “moving the furniture around”, if you will.
As they reshaped the land they added changes to earth’s atmosphere and this was also a time when God allowed many early life forms to appear, God created many living organisms and placed the entire planet in a balance, God demonstrates that He is a God of RELATIONSHIP. The Bible states that God can be seen in the “things of creation”. Angelic beings began to witness the enormous power of our God. At this time also our ozone layer was created to work as a UV Shield. This early atmosphere was absolutely gorgeous.
Now new land-life species were created at mass levels. Intricate biological species of all shapes, sizes and colors now inhabited a beautiful early first earth.
4-At around 300 million years ago they reshaped the land masses again, moved giant sections of earth around again. For the most part this left the surface of our planet as mostly one large land mass again, as it was originally, before the first shift. Different species were now placed in differing environments, new and more intricate relationships on all levels were formed.
But the planet was united. Most all life forms were living together in one giant ocean and on one major large land mass with areas of differing environments, including rich forest land and ponds of water teeming with life. The angelic beings were in perfect relationship with Divine Intelligence.
For 60 million years the planet stayed in a consistent peaceful state under these conditions. The angelic hosts being the caretakers of the planet learned and continued to shape and tend the planet. Intelligent beings in care of our planet began to mix and stir things made of matter together [alchemy], forming all sorts of fun experimentations.
5-At about 240 million years ago the angelic beings began a new phase of governing our planet. They started a new project that was given them but during this time the Luciferian Rebellion began. Lucifer, the leader and overseer of the planet sinned. The Bible informs us that pride entered into him and from then on he grew evil. He began to believe that he could govern the planet without the help of God. He even believed that he could genetically create better. In fact some scholars speculate that Lucifer started experimenting with genetic manipulations and creations, something God forbade him to do.
At this time dinosaurs had been created yet the rebellion affected their creation. Distortion now entered the first earth. There were also human-type beings that now became isolated into clans. These created beings lost proper thought processes due to Lucifer’s manipulations. Lucifer then began to isolate different species and races to try and control them. The angelic beings that joined in on the rebellion lost their once glorified bodies and lost their access into the “third heaven” or spiritual heaven. Instead they were now confined to earth’s atmosphere and outer space in spiritual bodies and they miss being able to have physical embodiment. Fighting on all levels began including in the animal kingdom.
Note: The Fallen Ones even to this day try and posses people because they miss their once glorified physical bodies. There are still angelic beings from another class of angels, the Nephilim. Some of these evil angels are being held in a spiritual prison called Tartarus [2nd Peter 2:4; Jude 6-7]. They came before the flood and sometime after the flood they came again [Numbers 13:32-33]. The Nephilim that are not in Tartarus are also on Lucifer’s side and some of them have in fact taken on some sort of physicality in outer space. Today most people refer to these fallen ones as evil extraterrestrials - which in fact they are.
Angelic, supernatural beings fought in the great rebellion. Finally God said enough is enough and threw one third of the angelic host that joined Lucifer down from heaven in a ball of light [trapped in an asteroid] the size of Mt. Everest onto earth. This happened 65 million years ago. Once thrown down to earth the impact created huge explosions and actually three large craters on the earth. Seventy percent of all the then known life became extinct including all the dinosaurs. Some early human type beings however, surprisingly, did in fact survive.
We can properly document in our early Ancient Antiochene Library that on the First Earth there were in fact multiple races of human-type beings before the spiritual war broke out. Just because some of these created beings had different size brains does not mean they were created to be dumb. All shapes and sizes, some with incarnate angelic spirits in them walked this planet of ours.
You must understand that even modern scientists now admit that they used to believe that the “Human Family Tree” went; Australopithecus begat Homo erectus, which begat Neandertals, which begot us. Now they say “Not so.”
All of these early species came from the First Earth. The story of creation and humans is far more complex and more intriguing than they ever imaged.
There is a hidden crater over one hundred miles wide in Mexico which extends into the ocean. It is a giant scar from the final blow that ended the spiritual battle of the First Earth. This great explosion darkened the entire earth. At this same time two huge volcanoes erupted. Many of today’s beautiful diamonds came out of these very immense volcanic eruptions. The combination of these events brought the extinction event to a great level. The sun was darkened. After 50 million years ago surviving life from the great rebellion struggled to survive in a planet and atmosphere now infected with the spiritual virus of sin. The “first earth” angelic homes and cities were completely destroyed.
Though the original “planet Earth” was made complete and inhabitable now it had become a great mess. The very second verse of the Bible properly reads in the Hebrew; “Now the earth BECAME formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) So the original translation tells us that something happened in-between verses one and two of Genesis….something that brought desolation to planet Earth – and that “something” was the Luciferian Rebellion.
One last unorganized and chaotic shift in the earth’s plates happened also during this time, but not as large as the previous times. The geographical earth-plates shifted during this great rebellion and many “first earth” cities and villages now lie beneath our oceans. The earth literally became “without form & void” and “darkness covered” the earth. Remember, we have Scripture which confirms that Lucifer once walked in the Garden of Eden and he was still without sin, he was here before this great destruction (Ezekiel 28:13-15).
Our planets continental plates are still slowly shifting since the great rebellion.
The sinful aftermath of this great rebellion is still being felt today, it is the curse of sin. After the great rebellion Lucifer lost his name of true enlightenment and now he was given the title Satan [“the fallen one”]. It is Satan that is ultimately responsible for sin. Sin was here way before Adam and Eve.
6-So after this great destruction the earth did have some surviving life. About 50 million years ago the angelic beings had now become completely invisible, they had lost their glorified physical bodies. As far as biologically created life on planet earth it now had to learn to survive. The fallen angels did not have the physical control that they once used to have before the rebellion. Of course God in His mercy always is in control and has His great angels keep “the fallen ones” in check with God’s ultimate plan of the ages. There are spiritual laws that Divine Intelligence has put in place between the fallen ones and the rest of His creation. All is working out to fulfill the will of Divine Intelligence – to fulfill static Truth.
Some of the early and now distorted life forms survived into a planet gone wrong. One humanoid [first-earth human types] was the Neanderthal and another, the Denisovan but without the original physical care and guidance that they once received by glorified angels; they must now turn animalistic and childlike, they were extremely vulnerable. God of course intervenes for ultimate protection and survival. Again, there is a spiritual management going on in our universe that we cannot see nor fully understand.
Though we do not fully understand all the “rules of the game” we also know that some of the fallen ones from the second Nephilim class are allowed to interfere with humans physically but we do not understand why this is allowed and sometimes it seems restricted.
Also, demonic possession is real and still occurs today. So as Christians we truly begin to understand the extent of the spiritual battle that we are all involved in.
We will find that some of these humanoid types survived into the restoration of planet earth’s surface - and in fact interbred with the “sixth-day” human races (we will cover this issue in more detail soon). The sixth-day humans would be created in “the image of Divine Intelligence”.
Now the process of renewing planet earth’s surface would begin…..
Let us Review
Let us do some reviewing as we move on in this very important study. “Creationists” always state that they are against “date setting” except when it comes to the doctrine of Creation. They imply that the Bible gives the exact date when this planet was created. It does not.
Another fallacy that they project is the idea that if you do not believe in their 6000 year creation plan then you are an “evolutionist”. This also is a lie. So let us intelligently review this subject. Let me here state from the get go – Ancient Antiochene Christianity believes that God actually CREATED all things. God also gave us intelligent minds and His word to help us properly understand all subjects.
As a Christian you also have the Holy Spirit discernment to lead, guide, direct and protect you in your studies of God’s blessed Word.
“How old is our Earth?” This question is not directly answered in Scripture. This first verse of the Bible states that “in the beginning God created”, that could have been billions of human years ago. As a matter of fact we will find that God is not done creating. New stars and planets are in fact formed every day.
If God stopped creating we wouldn’t be here. Oxygen is being created for us every day so that we can breathe. Jesus stated; “My Father is always at work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” (John 5:17) The Genesis story of Creation is a basic summation of the reality of an Intelligent Creator.
The First Earth Surface Destroyed
Using the entire Bible to interpret itself we find a much different story than what the so called “Creationists” are saying. The Bible actually teaches that when this planet was first created it was created to be inhabitable but something catastrophic occurred. This catastrophic event was an asteroid (filled with the fallen angels) which God used to destroy the “First Earth” (actually more than one asteroid). Be that as it may, let us review carefully.
“For this is what the Lord says – he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty (Hebrew: “without form and void”), but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18)
So the original “planet Earth” was made complete and inhabitable. The very second verse of the Bible properly reads in the Hebrew; “Now the earth BECAME formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)
As we have covered, some human-like races survived along with many other life forms but the earth’s atmosphere and surface were a mess. Around 250,000 years ago the Neanderthal’s lived in today’s region of Europe. They lived there all the way up until the creation of the sixth-day humans, about 45,000 years ago (which will be explained soon).
At about 2 million years ago the early beings that survived had balanced out. Those who could survive through learning the hard way did. Most of these early humanoids lived in the region of Africa. The plate shifting of the planet slowed down, the violent quakes became less and less.
Earth Enters the Ice Ages
Overflowing volcanoes in Panama created the land bridge which now joins North and South America. This created an extreme change in ocean currents which effected weather. It actually caused the earth to begin to dramatically cool. Eventually smoke from numerous smaller volcanoes filled the atmosphere and darkened the earth. The polar seas cooled and the jet stream took on a completely new route (as in these last days it is beginning to do again as we enter the final Tribulation).
The earth basically froze-over through this adjustment. Glaciers formed. Large mountains of snow fall into blocks of ice which basically create “rivers” of ice, tons of ice moving and grinding through the land. Today’s American Manhattan area was covered in 100’s of feet of snow.
There have been smaller ice ages in the last 10,000 years but more regional consentrated than global.
About 10,000 years ago the majority of the ice started to melt. Divine Intelligence had actually begun the restructuring of the earth’s surface more than 10,000 years ago but the ice was gone just over 6000 years ago.
The Pre-Adamic Earth changed into our Earth
We can imagine many earth ages before Adam and Eve. Many agree that our last ice age was about 10,000 years ago. If the ice melted the first 4000 years and after that the “new creation” or “recreation” of earth’s surface occurred that would put the creation of Adam and Eve at about 6000 plus years ago. This is extremely accurate theological anthropology.
We do not know how long the first human races lived on earth without sin (or proper knowledge of sin) before Adam and Eve but it could have been for awhile. All the human races we know of today were of course created on the so called “sixth day”.
The New Living Translation translates the sixth “day” properly;
“”Then God said, “Let us [Elohim] make people in our image, to be like ourselves. They will be masters over all life – the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the livestock, wild animals, and small animals.” (Genesis 1:26)
Remember, these new Humans were created in the “image of God” and are new in regards to life from the First Earth.
Adam and Eve were created after the Seventh Day and for reference we say on the “eighth day” (Genesis 2:7). Let us look at the recreation of our planet’s surface in more detail.
Renew your Understanding
Most Christians today are not allowing the wisdom of God’s natural laws to help properly understand Scripture. Instead, most are asking us to ignore “the man behind the curtain” when it comes to scientific facts. The most remarkable and amazing thing is the fact that Scripture actually agrees with the so called “scientific facts” when it comes to creation and the destruction of the first earth.
Those that disagree with Ancient Antiochene Christianity say that we deny what they refer to as “the plain reading of Scripture” and our response to them is; “No we do not.” In fact, we follow the Seven Ancient Antiochene Hermeneutic Rules when interpreting Scripture and one of those rules is “context controls the meaning”. If the days in the creation story are literal why is the sun and moon “created” on the fourth day? To serve as signs and to mark the seasons and days? Hhhmm. Again, let the context control the meaning. Clearly these are symbolic days.
God renews the surface of the planet in Six Symbolic Days
First of all, the Hebrew word for create is not used until we get to the fifth and sixth “day” [Hebrew: yom] of the creation story. The word used for the fourth day in regards to the Sun and Moon is the fact that God “brought forth” [not created] the sun and the moon so that they could be seen again from the surface of the earth that was covered with darkness (Genesis 1:2).
So after the second verse of Genesis we begin the account of the “reconstruction” of a planet gone wrong. We note that on the “first day” of the recreation God “brought forth light” – it does NOT say in the Hebrew that He then “created” the light (Genesis 1:3). Remember, after the destruction of the first earth the atmosphere was covered with “darkness” (Genesis 1:2). It was on the first day that God allowed some light back, not all. Some of this light was also no doubt produced by electrical storms.
In the “second day” we have an atmosphere reforming (Genesis 1:1-7). The second day’s work was the beginning of the readjustment of earth’s atmosphere. It is also speculated that the meaning that “waters” were “separated from the waters above the expanse” has a deeper meaning of what happened on this second day.
The word in this verse “firmament” or “expanse” in Hebrew literally means “Hammered-out Belt or Bracelet”. It could mean that the “bracelet” or ring doorway, Star Gate to the higher dimensions was now closed off from our planet due to the rebellion and sin.
We also note that the words “And God saw that it was good” are not spoken about this day’s work yet they are spoken of every other day in the creation account. Why? Because rebellious spirit beings, the Fallen Ones, now inhabited our outer space and earth’s atmosphere and they are called the “Powers & principalities of the air”. (Ephesians 2:2) For this reason God could not include that, “it was good”.
Then we come to the “third day” where land begins to appear and vegetation is restored. Many seeds laid dormant under 100’s of years of ice, now even some prehistoric plants and trees came to life again. On the “fourth day” total sunlight is restored to earth’s surface – completely clean atmosphere, no more darkness.
Only when we get to the “fifth day”, “sixth day” and “eighth day” do we get to the actual Hebrew word “bara” – which means ‘created’ or ‘create’. On these last days of the Creation Week God did actually create (bara) brand new animal species and on the “sixth day” all the human races.
Really there is no “eighth day” mentioned in Scripture but we use that as phrase – a reference for the creation which did indeed follow the Seventh Day. These were probably not literal days. The Hebrew word used for “day” in regards to the six day creation does not necessarily mean a literal 24 hour day. These time periods probably differed somewhat in length, some of them lasting over one million years.
Remember, in the first chapter of the Bible we are dealing with “God’s timetable”, and to our Creator time is ultimately arbitrary - an Eternal Being is not bound to time and space.
The Hebrew word used for “day” (yom) and the contextual way it is used doesn’t mean that the days have to be literal days. They can mean a “lengthy period” of time. The Bible says; “For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4; 2 Peter 3:8)
God gave literal day weeks for man to remember the gift of creation and the manna He fed them while in the wilderness (Exodus 16:23). The macro creation week is remembered in a micro week of literal days on the Jewish calendar. The literal Sabbath Day marked the week and ultimately pointed to Jesus Christ who becomes the “Life Giver” and “Spiritual Rest” of the true believer. (Hebrews 4:3; Matthew 11:28-30)
Not Literal Days
Even some of the early Patristic Christians properly contemplated this. St Augustine stated;”What kind of days these were it is extremely difficult, or perhaps impossible, to determine” (City of God 11.7).
In Genesis 1:1 the word “created” is in the “perfect tense” which means in Hebrew that it precedes what follows as a fact and not as a summery to that which follows. In fact, what follows is an explanation of a “reconstruction” of earth’s surface while Genesis 1:1 is creation by fiat, out of nothing.
When we get to the “7th day” are we to assume that just because God was done with the “reconstruction” of earth’s surface that He was done forever creating? Some “creationists” tout this. The Scriptures teach that God is still creating. Also, was this “Sabbath” a once for all 24 hour day? No. Hebrews ch4 teaches that “the Sabbath remains” for all who wish to enter this spiritual rest.
When we read the beginning of the gospel of St John we find that in the beginning “was the Word” and that from that Word (Jesus the Christ) came all things. In Christ we are a “new creation” so yes, God is definitely still creating.
“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:9-13).
Jesus was resurrected on the “eighth day”, the day after the Sabbath. “Behold, all things become new.” So symbolically we are still in the 8th day of creation…creation is still happening. Jesus Christ stated; “My food, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4:34)
The Eighth Day
After the seventh day, it is recorded that “eth ha Adam” was created (Genesis 2:7). This is the “emphatic man”…the “special man”. The rest of the entire Bible will have to do with this man’s history and all his offspring. Through this “first Adam” would ultimately come the “second Adam”, from umbilical cord to umbilical cord ultimately producing Jesus Christ, which is to say “God with us.” (1 Corinthians 15:45)
Many scholars have debated over and noticed the fact that there are two creation stories of man given in the Bible. Are these the same account? Or are they different accounts…different creations? Contextually they are different accounts thus different creations.
Note: Marriage was instituted in honor of Adam and Eve and to show and demonstrate that we serve a God of relationship. God was beginning to reveal His plan to humanity. (Genesis 2:24)
When we read Genesis chapter one all the way up to chapter two and verse six we notice an abrupt change, a jump into the creation account of Eth ha Adam and Eve. This is a different account than the first recorded creation account of “man” or “mankind” in chapter one verses twenty-six through thirty-one and it begins right after the seventh day. This is why we say that the creation of Adam and Eve actually occurred on the Eighth Day.
In Genesis chapter one the Hebrew word create (bara) is used to explain the creation of animals and mankind but in chapter two regarding the creation of Eth ha Adam the Hebrew word form (yasar) is used. The Creation Week is what we could call “fiat” (by Word) creation and Adam and Eve’s creation (on the eighth day) one of “action creation” – hands on forming like a potter.
Adam and Eve were created to produce the special blood-line (Family) that would ultimately produce the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. God promised that through Eve’s seed the redeemer would come and ultimately destroy Satan. God said that He would put hatred between her seed (offspring) and the Serpent’s (Satan’s) offspring (Genesis 3:14-15).
If you do some research you will find that the early Patristic Fathers, within the first 100 years of the early church, wrote about “8th day” theology. This is a very old teaching of the original Christians.
So technically God is still creating in this “8th Day” and we are watching and experiencing it. This symbolic 8th Day will end with Armageddon. After that, we (True Christians) will enter “the Day of the Lord” which is the Millennial Reign of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
The Garden of Eden and the First Dispensation
We will now try and understand what happened after the “6th day” leading up to the creation of the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. God created a specific place of the restored planet a little over 7000 years ago. At 10,000 years ago the restored surface of the entire earth took on a beautiful garden look, the earth was not perfect because of the great rebellion but it was way more beautiful after the period of restoration than it is now. When God chose a specific area to create the Garden of Eden He protected it with a wall and an invisible dome, an “etheric bubble”.
Divine Intelligence created Adam and Eve and put them in charge of the garden. The animals and all life within the excellent garden were to be taken care of and Adam and Eve were to create offspring through which the coming Messiah (Yeshua) would be born. Eventually the garden was to spread out and fill the entire earth. We can image that the hominids outside of the garden, like the Nodites, had prophets sent to them regarding God’s plan. We can also imagine that if Adam and Eve had not made the wrong choice the outsiders would have eventually been educated and invited into Paradise. Eventually it would have filled the whole earth.
The Edenic Dispensation starts with the coming together of our planet to sustain life. The representatives of human parents began here; they were birthed in the Edenic beauty. We call this the dispensation of innocence. All life was very conscious of Divine Intelligence and here Adam and Eve walked with God and talked with God.
T’was in this glorious window of geological time that great abundance occurred – new designs of plant and animal life appeared, all fully formed without evidence of any evolutionary advancement. No gradual development just the appearance of compound eyes, sophisticated biological machinery which seemingly appears out of nowhere.
No transitional forms of life needed, just Divine Fiat.
God reconstructed the earth in Seven Days. God renewed what had been destroyed by the Luciferian Rebellion on the first earth. On the fifth, sixth and eighth day of reconstruction the Hebrew word “bara” (“create” or “created”) is used in Scripture showing that on these days God created completely new species including humans, in the image of Divine Intelligence.
Earth Ages
This first dispensation starts out with Adam and Eve being created “perfect” and “eternal” so it starts before a human “Earth Age” – it starts before time. The first earth age started after Adam and Eve sinned – the beginning of time. Their sinning changed the entire creation and the entire surface of this planet - thus starting the beginning of the first earth age and ending the first dispensation. The first earth age went from the fall of Adam and Eve to the Flood which began the second earth age, the one we are in now. The third earth age will be the Millennial Kingdom which will start after the Great Tribulation.
Note: We make a distinguishing difference between “dispensations” and “ages” here. We say that an “age” stands for a period of time between two great physical changes on the earth’s surface while a “dispensation” stands for a covenantial probationary period between God and His people. ~
The Bible clearly outlines “Seven Major Dispensations” and “Three Earth Ages”.
“Trees” & “the Curve”
Before Adam and Eve sinned a portion of this planet was like a Paradise. Adam and Eve lived there (Genesis 2:15). This first dispensation is also called “the Dispensation of Innocence” because there was no sin yet. They were placed in a beautiful garden, the Garden of Eden. ~
God planted “every tree that was pleasant to the sight” in that garden (Genesis 2:9). We must understand that God uses trees to represent people sometimes throughout Scripture so some of these trees represent “beings” that were present with Adam and Eve in the garden (Ezekiel 31:2-9). There is an ancient understanding that is shrouded in mystery regarding the story of Adam and Eve.
The Garden of Eden was absolutely beautiful. It was watered by beautiful rivers. A pure and clean garden, refreshing and fresh. North was true north; the Earth was surrounded and protected. God created Eth ha Adam and Adam had no companion for himself. God said “I will make a helpmeet for him” (Genesis 2:18). So God took a “rib” (Hebrew: “curve”) from Eth ha Adam’s side and with it He created Eve (Woman – Genesis 2:20-22).
Wrong Relationship Creates Failure
The tree of the “Knowledge of Good & Evil” (Satan) and “The Tree of Life” (Christ) were in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were told that they could “eat” (have relationship with) every tree in the garden except the tree of the “Knowledge of Good and Evil”. Through a snake Satan deceived Eve into having a relationship with him.
Apostle Paul warns the Corinthian Church not to let happen to it what happened to Eve. St Paul writes;
“I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived (Greek word: exapatau – “wholly seduced” or “to cheat”) by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2nd Corinthians 11:2-3)
So this terrible sin allowed Satan to have a literal “seed” that would be in opposition to the “good seed”. It would be through the “good seed” that the Messiah – Jesus Christ – would come and it will be through the Serpent’s seed that the “Son of Perdition” (the final Antichrist) shall be born. These two seeds, the good and bad, are depicted in Eve’s first sons, Cain and Abel which she gives birth to in the next or second dispensation.
Cain murdered his brother Abel. The literal offspring of Cain became known as the Kenites. They survived the Flood (which ended the first earth age) and during the time of Jesus Christ they persecuted Him. Jesus identifies the religious leaders as being of the offspring of Cain in John 8:44 and in Matthew 23:35-36.
True Christians identified “false Christians” as those who had “taken the Way of Cain” (Jude 11).
It is important to remember that Satan and his “seed” (the Kenites) cannot ever destroy God’s elect. God’s elect children are His and will remain so into eternity.
Note: Our Ancient Antiochene records show that the Roman Church early on tried to cover up and hide many important Biblical doctrines. One doctrine that was almost completely destroyed by the Papacy was the fact of the Serpent’s actual “seed” and the truth about the Kenites. It is important to understand the difference in ancient manuscripts when proceeding in the creation story.
Original Sin
Adam and Eve’s sin infected all of the “kosmos”. All the human races became infected with sin, the disease of spiritual death. It corrupted the Perfect Matrix and all particles became distorted. Trees, plants, animals and everything now went wrong. Things started to die, fighting, pride, hate, etc. and all sin began. Thus we now live in the Fallen Matrix.
*Click here to learn more about: Original Sin
Even the human will is completely corrupt. Only those called by the Word of God through the Holy Spirit will begin to understand and be saved. ~
Scripture tells us that “Eve is the mother of all living”. The “Living Bible” reads the verse this way: “The man named his wife Eve (meaning “The Life-Giving One”), for he said, “She shall become the mother of all mankind” (Genesis 3:20). This idiomatic statement simply means that it is through her Adamic stock that the “Life Giver”, Jesus the Christ, would be born and gifted to this planet and that all those who believe in Him shall not die but have everlasting LIFE. (John 3:16)
All humans are now allowed to be “spiritually adopted” and “Born Again” into the “blood line” of the Second Adam – Jesus the Christ. Thus all born again (confirmed) Christians are connected to and part of the New Creation (Ephesians 2:19-22; 2nd Corinthians 5:17). When we partake of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) we connect with the physical blood of Jesus Christ (1st Corinthians 10:16).
St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote:
“Bread of God is what I desire; that is, the Flesh of Jesus Christ, who was of the seed of David; and for my drink I desire His Blood, that is; incorruptible love.”
This shows that we are to discern the regal blood-line of Christ, He now becomes our King (King of kings and Lord of lords) of the New Covenant. Also, we are told to discern Christ’s “incorruptible love”. We take Holy Communion in remembrance of the life that Jesus Christ led for us. Jesus commands us: “Do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)
Gentiles are “adopted” through Jesus Christ into the renewed Adamic Family; Jesus is the “second Adam”. To truly be “in Jesus Christ” is to be “born again”.
Sin Ended this First Dispensation
Adam and Eve’s sin developed what we call the “fallen conscience” of mankind. All humans are born with an innate concept of right and wrong. Man has been given the basic idea of “good” and “evil” because that was the choice of Adam and Eve (the human representatives). They chose a relationship for knowledge over a relationship with God.
Adam and Eve represent the parents of the human race. This first dispensation of “Innocence” ended with “conscience” – humans aware of sin and their condemnation. God in His mercy tells Eve that through her offspring a redeemer will come and restore Paradise and destroy sin. Jesus Christ came and destroyed sin at the cross.
So though this first dispensation started out perfect it ended in sin which changed everything. As Christian children of God we have been given all the needed facts about life; who we are, where we came from and where we are going. Jesus Christ has restored proper relationship with God for us again if we simply trust and believe in Him. You can live forever in Paradise with family, friends, and God.
Remain in God’s Word with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & "Nugget of Truth”.
Be strong in the TRUTH.
Jesus Christ is King of kings’ and Lord of lords….Amen
Eric William King (Compiled January 6th 2021)
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