Sound Ancient Antiochene Hermeneutic Rules
It is extremely important to follow proper interpretation rules. We follow the Seven Ancient Antiochene Rules of Interpretation which could be outlined as follows:
1-Pray (Always ask God to show you what He would have you know before study)
2-Consider the Context (This means understanding the near & far context, context controls the meaning of the text)
3-Understand Words (This means the language you are using and the Greek & Hebrew words)
4-Understanding Grammar (Understanding similes, metaphors, allegories and figures of speech – hyperboles)
5-Grasping the Authors Intention (Do not read your personal meaning into the text, let the authors meaning stand)
6-Studying the Background (Understanding the contemporary political, language, art, scientific understandings and other things going on during the time the letter was written.)
7-Interprepting Scripture with Scripture (Letting the Bible interpret itself…so to speak. Understanding typology.)
Proper Christian living comes through proper Christian study. It is the goal of the true Christian to develop the “Mind of Christ”. The true Christian has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spiritual Implant. This special helper begins to lead, guide, direct and protect the Christian student into Christian Maturity.
Our attitude toward the Scriptures (the Christian Bible) governs our conceptions and conclusions. We hold to Sola Scriptura (the Bible Alone). Our teachings do not allow for additions or subtractions from God’s word. All of our biblical doctrine must be found in Scripture and taught from Scripture. Having stated that, we also recognize the importance of understanding other things such as the Seven Rules of Biblical Interpretation which help substantiate additional facts.
Our most important evidence is transformed human lives. Those who have studied here and become regenerated children of God are the bright lights of this planet. True Christianity is not a religion; it is a way of life. True Christianity is a healthy relationship with God, Divine Intelligence.
I hope that these thoughts help you gain a deeper respect of God, His Word and the importance of properly understanding it all. May God continue to richly bless you with proper doctrine and proper living.
Always in the presence of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Eric William King (June 14th 2018)

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