Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"The Antiochene Golden Age Mystery. ~ AACM


Ancient Antiochene


“The Antiochene Golden Age Mystery.”

By presbyter Eric William King (January 27th 2025)

Many Christians believe that there will be some kind of “Great Revival” right before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This would mean that thousands, millions would start to come to Jesus Christ for salvation and the answers to life. It would seem strange to the world - but a miracle for Christians. Does the Bible teach that this will happen?

The Bible actually seems to teach the opposite, especially when we begin to examine eschatology [“study of prophecy” – the word first appeared in 1844] texts and apocalyptic references. However, God can do what He wants. Some people have found Scriptures to back up either side. “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” teaches that the true Church will actually shrink before the harpotzo (rapture). This does not mean that the “Christian Nations” will not receive a special time of prosperity before it’s all over.

There are Scriptures that some of our presbyters have studied throughout the years which suggest the possibility of a “Golden Age” happening – God’s last “outpour of mercy.” Those who study here may be familiar with the Davidic Covenant, a covenant which is unconditional and given by God to ancient King David. The prophet Isaiah reveals in ch.4 that “seven women” only want to be “called” by God’s name, but they want to do their own thing. They represent the Seven Churches [those claiming to be, “the Bride of Christ”] of Christianity, throughout time, that Jesus Gives counsel to in the “Book of Revelation”.

It states that a time comes when ALL SEVEN COUNSELS will have been given, and understood by few, then “…the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful.” (Isaiah 4:2). This Branch comprises those true Christians who accept the counsel to the Seven Churches. Jesus is the “vine”, we are the “branches”. Jesus is the ultimate BRANCH from the “root of David”. (Isaiah 11:1) True Christians may prosper during this time, while the Seventh Counsel to the Church of Laodicea is being proclaimed. If Christians heed the seventh counsel, along with all the rest, perhaps great blessings will come. Perhaps even a nation that “returns to the LORD” can receive a “Golden Age” of prosperity, this could even be witnessed by the Church, before the “catching away”.

God promises:

“If that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring it.” ~ Jeremiah 18:8

 So, a “Golden Age” is possible in the “plan of God”, but we should not say that it will happen for sure because we really do not know. The prophets of old warned;

“The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priest’s rule on their own authority; And my people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it all?” ~ Jeremiah 5:31

Perhaps the idea of a blessed Golden Age is a possible “conditional” reality. In other words, if we return to the LORD, then we will experience a Golden Age. We are not to “add” to God’s word:

If there is truly “no real peace” we as Christians shouldn’t pretend that there is “peace” - when there really is no “peace”. God warns;

“They have also healed the hurt of my people slightly, Saying, “Peace, peace!” When there is no peace.” ~ Jeremiah 5:31

“Do not add to His words, Or He will reprove you, and you will be proved a liar.” ~ Proverbs 30:6

We certainly pray for a “Golden Age” for the sake of our grandchildren and the rest of our family and friends. If God still has “elect” to call in, time will always proceed for the Christian Church.

Let all true Christians pray for, “peace on Earth, and Good Will to All.”

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (January 27th 2025) (From Part Six of Eric's original series: "Ancient Antiochene Mysteries.")


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