Thursday, February 27, 2025

Gog & Magog War ~ Phase One Completed


The Shepherds Way predictions come TRUE!

The Russian Prophecy Coming to Pass!

First Phase of Gog & Magog War Completed

February 27th 2025

Eric has predicted many things using the guidance of the Word of God - the Christian Bible. This prophecy is one of the most important revelations for all Christians right now; in our present time of prophetic history. We invite you to share the reality of this vision with others and how it affects us all.


As all TSW students realize, I have warned about the prophecies in Ezekiel chapter 38 coming to pass. We have watched everything that God has told us come to pass. I had predicted that this first phase of the prophetic war of “Gog & Magog” would come to a conclusion. This is the Ukraine and Russian war. We warned before it started, we continued to warn while it began and ever since, we have told those who wish to hear what God is doing. We have even predicted what is happening now.

All of these things are recorded in God’s word. Many who have studied with us here for the last seven years have become witnesses to the truthfulness of God’s word. We are now coming to the predicted end of “phase one” of this Gog/Magog war. I have predicted years ago that it would come in THREE PHASES. I urge you to watch my lectures on this issue to get the important details. There are many predictions that we have posted here at “The Shepherds Way ~ TSW” that have all come to pass. We have left a trail of confirmation – the reality that we are speaking God’s word in Truth.

Note: Another event yet to happen is a “heavenly sign”, which is to happen very soon. Eric has predicted that this coming sign will also be a very important marker for true Christians.

We do not know how long the gap will be before phase two of the Gog & Magog war starts up and continues but in the mean time the Christian Church has been given the challenge to accept the Laodicean Message – in this Church Dispensation. We are in the 6th dispensation of Biblical time and we are in the Seven Epoch of the Christian Church, that of Laodicea.

We have been giving the Seventh Message, the Laodicean Counsel to the church since October 10th 2017. Many have come to accept the “extra oil” in their “lamps” and are indeed ready for the “catching away”. There are still many who have not yet awakened to their election. It is our job as Christians to share the “fulness of the Gospel”, which includes that special counsel from Jesus Christ for our time.

I hope to be doing some new lectures on this subject of Gog & Magog as we enter this interlude of some kind of peace. We pray and hope that this coming peace lasts and that the Christian Church awakens to the final message. Putin got something out of this deal, but just as we predicted, he did not get what he truly wanted. We will watch as God continues to work in and through all nations for His purpose and Glory.

Why would anybody ignore our ministry? We have been 100% correct because we get our information from the Word of God.

We are continuing to learn and grow. We are watching our Almighty God work.

Eric William King (February 27th 2025)


Understand the Gog/Magog War in Bible Prophecy!

Above: Eric W. King's  famous lecture given when the war started. (Posted Two Years Ago)

Below: Eric's year old Video regarding what's happening now!

Watch and share!

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Note: The acronym AACM means: “Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysticism”. 

The acronym AAMC, which is also used sometimes, means: “Ancient Antiochene Mystic Christian”.

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