Thursday, February 13, 2025

Alchemy for Laodicea ~ AACM



Christian Spiritual Alchemy for Laodicea

Faith is the “gold” which is “tried in the fire”. We are of course talking about “Spiritual Alchemy”. This is an important subject for the Laodicean epoch of the church. We entered this epoch in the year 1900. We have documented this in our studies and have shown that Christians from many different groups accept this in their own eschatological doctrines, especially Dispensational Christians.

The Christian Church is being given a very special counsel that involves rapid self-transformation, transmutation into the New Human – the born-again transformation under the Laodicean Counsel in this Seventh Church Epoch. Jesus “stands at the door” of the Christian church and “knocks”. Three knocks, each a distinctive message from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is time to receive the UPGRADE.

Do you know what those three “knocks” are all about dear Church? It is time to gain understanding. This message will bring fear into most who proclaim to be Christian because it reveals new understanding, “new things” can seem strange because you have never known them – you may have nothing to compare them with. Just as the Pharisees and Sadducees felt fear about what was coming out of the mouth of Jesus, so today, many of the fallen churches will reject this special and important love message for Christ’s “last time” Church. Will you receive His Seventh Message?

Since October 10th 2017 much has been revealed. We are living in a time of reorganization galore. Politically, socially, religiously, all is being redefined and categorized. The “Ancient Antiochene Church of God” has warned about what we are all beginning to experience. The Church has documented predictions that we have continued to watch unfold. The accuracy of the “Ancient Antiochene Christians” is remarkable, man is truly without excuse.

Our charts of the skies reveal that time is changing more rapidly now then ever before. Apostle Paul admonishes us to “stay in the racedon’t give in or give up. We have predicted some great signs in the heavens coming soon. Christian Rosicrucians have predicted a great sign coming in the nighttime sky. This will cement the authority of this final message – behold, the Gold of Pure Alchemy.

The “meat” of the transformative message is revealed by the Christian Rosicrucians. Why is God using Christian Rosicrucians? Perhaps because “Christian Baptists”, “Christian Mega-churches”, and all the rest are not talking about the real message for this hour. What does this “new message” contain? Science. It contains the new understanding of God’s “natural laws” and the fact that Christians need to grow up in this technically advanced age. How will Christianity handle a renewed Space Age and Artificial Technology age? What will be the standards going forward for the Christian?

Well, the church is already so behind in regards to understanding the true history of the church that there may not be enough time for it to heed the entire counsel to Laodicea. Perhaps it’s time to work triple-time. The Christian Rosicrucians (AACM) are working triple-time to help reveal and spread the Seventh Message. Some brave souls have joined the cause. Many get frustrated and drop out.

Please understand, all churches who stand in front of the Pure Doctrine will fall down. Their old doctrines have not proceeded to grow properly. The Pastors have watered themselves, but not the flock. The flock is spiritually sick and diseased due to the contaminated self-righteous false teachings. Still, many of these false teachings come out of the Alexandrian School of fallen theology – the Roman Church.

Many churches refuse to ordain women. They talk about “man first” doctrines and preach to gain fame and money. Many of these churches are being controlled by “men” and not by God. The mega-churches are sadly caught up in fame, instead they need shame and humility. Their popularity is based on how many people show up. Jesus just had 12 apostles, not “mega aposltes”. If mega-churches were concerned about spreading the True Gospel they would break apart and fill larger areas on the map, instead of forming a giant dirt-clod. Huge gatherings become impersonal, and out of touch with common living.

Many from the Lutheran Christians, the Anglican Christians, and the Antiochene Christians have stepped up to the plate and are teachable. We have also discovered many Christians who have accepted the final message and attend numerous denominations and so called “non-denominations”. God has sprinkled his LIGHT throughout the entire world of Christendom. We have the illumination sparking up all over, like the leaves of autumn – Praise God!

One last sad ounce of Truth before ending yet another good Rosicrucian article. Many students who study this message may have some perception skills which have developed from religious, psychological, or other studies but they lack true enlightenment due to Elemental Affinity.

To those who simply pry into our teachings to find fault will find themselves in a spiritual mess. The motives of todays Humanity must be seriously questioned. This planet is in deep materialism and self-deception. The Archons are having “evil fun” with many who approach life as just a “game”. Our “Doorkeeper” is watching.

All true Christians, those who truly want God and His Truth, are always welcome to our table. We have scientists, doctors, teachers, and people who live at home and don’t really work, retired people, young and old – we welcome all Christians and those who are truly interested in true revelatory Christianity. Time to do some serious growing.

The Psychical Condition must be ready to truly receive the invitation.

May you discover why you seek for what you seek.

Eric W. King (February 13th 2025)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Certainly, it is heaven on Earth to have

One’s mind move in charity, rest in providence, 

and turn upon the poles of Truth.”

~ Francis Bacon

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