A Christian Rosicrucian Insight of:
The Emotional Body?
are the so called, “Elementals”? To the early occultists and latter
on to mystics, these where “little spirits”. Apostle Paul indirectly
refers to them in the New Testament. We have to realize that our entire
universe [more accurately: Pleroma] is filled with “spirt beings”.
This is understood in almost every religion. These spirits have been called by
various names and titles but the fact is, they are real. We will be
talking a lot more about this subject in upcoming articles and lectures.
All “spirits”
are of course “created beings”. Some have suggested that they are some
kind of “universal fertilizer”. Coming and going to who knows where,
just what are these “things”?
Some Christian
Rosicrucians suggest that these spirits reside predominately in the “Desire World”
[aka “astral world”]. This so called “Desire World” permeates our
entire creation, as unseen ‘force material’ that operates
predominately through emotions. The “desire material” manifests
through the Human mind by impulse operating four major categories of
movement. These are:
This invisible
“emotional body”, that all Humans have, connects through seven specific
Human organ locations. These points allow this invisible force to penetrate the
physical Human nervous system which allows the Human body to manifest outwardly
its emotional feelings. For the “born again” Christian the old
“emotional body” will be stripped from the spirit and a new sinless emotional
body will be warn and operating – this happens at death (transition) when the
Christian becomes “absent from the body” and “present with the LORD”.
If “attraction”
is the strongest, two of the remaining four will be the deciding factor. You
can experiment by picking a topic and drawing out a triangle. List what
“attracts” and write it at the top of the triangle. Include the two points of
lesser charge with your explanations. Whatever your strongest decision becomes
will be the conjunction of these, the guiding force.
This emotional
body that surrounds the Human body, partially inside and out, penetrating it –
is called your Desire Body. It, of course, draws itself in from the Desire
World [Realm] which is full of “desire material”. Sound too complicated? Please
hang in there.
For the
Christian now, he or she must learn to balance the “emotional body” through the
study of God’s word and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Even though many of us are true born-again
Christians we still struggle with our fallen sinful natures, but we are truly
“dead” to all sin in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are no longer a “slave” to our
fallen natures like we were before becoming a true child of God. There is now “no
condemnation to those who are in Christ.”
Can the
Rosicrucian “prove” that there is a “Desire World” and that Humans have an
actual “emotional body”? Not really, but Humans do indeed deal with emotions
and the Rosicrucian understandings and techniques have been found
to actually work for the Christian student.
Many students
understand the details of these topics differently and that’s okay. By creating
some arguments in all of this we can arrive at a more accurate knowledge of the
Truth. It is good that Christians begin to feel comfortable talking together
about such issues. We believe that part of Jesus’ counsel to Laodicea
involves the understanding of this deeper level. God wants us all to mature in
our Christian faith. Jesus is asking us to understand true “spiritual
Rosicrucians have used different names, numbers, symbols,
and titles for different teachings but all are trying to explain the
same thing. The goal is to find that one Cosmic Law regarding the
issue that UNITES us all – to the glory of God so that even a child shall
understand our meaning.
Sir Robert Fludd (Christian Rosicrucian) produced many
good drawings of man as the Micro-cosm. In doing so he showed the “outer”
and “inner” man and the importance of them both.
True Christian
Rosicrucians have learned that long periods of anxiety impact the heart and
immune system. Emotions are a powerful force, effecting the physical world.
Misguided emotions are destructive. This is caused by Humans remaining at
length in the Beta mind frequencies. These frequencies make a person focus on
their outside world – their bodies, their clothes, other people and what
they are doing, etc. Todays commercials are directed to induce Human emotions
that would activate the Beta frequencies.
People who live
in more isolated places focus more on their inners selves while people who
constantly must stay busy in the highly populated areas may find no time to
gain the true mystical food that they might need. This is why correct meditation
is very important.
So, if you
would like to learn more and perhaps a technique or two to help with your
knowledge along the way, stay tuned with us here. Don’t get discouraged with
all this knowledge. Take it slow and stay in God’s word and prayer. If you are
saved you are never alone – Jesus does the saving and we do the craving, the
craving after Him and His ways.
May you gain
peace profound in the knowledge and friendship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
the Christ.
Eric William
King (February 12th 2025)
More Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysteries
*Antiochene First Earth Information
*Message for those going through hard times
*Robert Fludd and Ancient Antiochene Mysticism
*Introduction to the Seven Heavens
*Greek & Hebrew Thought in Scripture
*Christian Antiochene Facts Revealed
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