Lutheran Mystics
Robert Fludd & Antiochene Mysticism
By Presbyter Eric William
January 18th 2025
have asked us about the early Rosicrucian’s and their connection to
Christianity. The fact is, the first true Rosicrucians were in fact
Christians. The Rosicrucian movements today have more of a New Age idea and
they have merged all religions into one hodge-podge. As Christians from the Ancient Antiochene Church of God we have more of an original historic connection
to the first real Rosicrucians.
after the Lutheran reformation and the gathering of the political parties into
Protestant camps, everything changed. In the early 1600’s, not long after the
Lutheran movement began, some of the Lutherans [first Protestant Christians]
decided that all of the superstitious “sciences” of the time should also be
reevaluated. There was a conscious desire to allow God to speak in every area
of their lives, including science. Most science back then was occult lore.
Occultism transformed organized religions into mystical experiences.
The fact is,
true Christianity is “mystical”. It contains mystery doctrines,
teachings that Humans cannot objectively and satisfactorily understand or
explain but become experienced through faith – faith in the person of Jesus
I would like to
take Robert Fludd for instance, he was one of the first true Rosicrucian’s.
In his time, science was interchangeable with occult topics. Robert Fludd studied
ancient Kabbalah and other philosophies to help him begin to understand the
challenge of a true universal Christian reformation, a regeneration. He
studied the medicine and medical care of his time carefully. He wished to see
God in everything, in every topic, in every science. Being conscious of Divine
Intelligence at all times in all things would guide the Human soul into
perfection, into peace, harmony, agape love channels, etc.
What a
beautiful vision these early Lutheran Mystics had. They had to go “underground” with many of
their ideas. They were radical and ahead of their own time. They introduced
their ideas through anonymous manifestos which became known as “The Rosicrucian
Manifestos”. This created many offshoot enthusiasts. By the 1800’s there
were numerous groups going by some title of “Rosicrucian”. Today the Ancient Antiochene Church of God recognizes
that one of these groups does in fact have connections with the original Rosicrucian’s
but the group has veered off into a non-Christian platform. They still have
many of the basic and correct teachings of the first Rosicrucians and they
have certainly progressed and changed incorrect teachings throughout the years...
This would be the original Rosicrucian’s of early Pennsylvania.
Let us now look
briefly at some of the teachings that Robert Fludd developed in early
Rosicrucianism that have connections with Ancient Antiochene Christian
mysticism. Robert Fludd struggled inside as some do regarding the knowledge of
their time. Today we see numerous documentaries on UFO’s and Extraterrestrials.
People are asking; “If all that is true where is it mentioned in the Bible?” In
this information age we have tons of information going out which really has no
foundation, it starts with arbitrary so called “facts” and ends with psychotic
delusion. So, as a Christian do you have an answer from God’s word for those
who believe in UFO’s, extraterrestrials. A.I. technology, climate change,
gender issues, etc.?
The Christian
Church has always struggled with social issues which do not seem to be
mentioned in the Bible. The fact is, all issues can be found in the Bible. The
Human story is all right there, good, bad, ugly. Nothing has really changed.
Humans are still sinning on every level. Global peace has become a dream for
over 6000’s years and still, it is not accomplished.
Part of the
issue has been that Christians, especially American Christians, have refused to
understand God’s natural laws in conjunction with what most would call God’s
“spiritual” laws. Also, the subjective mind has been suppressed on many levels
and cut down. People are taught to believe only in those things which their
receptive faculties (sight, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling) allow them to
perceive. The fact is, the spirit of man connects with the objective mind
through the subjective mind. Facts do in fact come from the subjective mind.
Robert Fludd
and other “Rosicrucian Christians”
believed that it was time for humanity to allow God to expand their conscious
understanding of theology and science. Some sought to make
metaphysical science the connector of the two. The true connector of the two is
the person of Jesus Christ – incarnate Creator. Through the message -
the downloading of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - into the Human psyche, the
person receives a “deposit” from the Holy Spirit. This is a special gift of
proper discernment and salvation – allowing proper salvation to occur that you are freed from the Fallen Matrix.
My hope is that
Christians truly learn to understand the growth of Christianity, as it traveled
through different cultures and time. God has continued to punctuate different
aspects of His word during differing times in history, as Humans change and
grow. God also reveals more TRUTH to us. We haven't arrived yet. God never changes but our understanding of His word has and does change
as we grow up – throughout time and space.
Please don’t
give up, God will never give up on you.
We continue to
talk about and praise our Wonderful Almighty God.
Eric William
King (January 18th 2025)
Robbert Fludd
taught correctly many things and ideas pertaining to what we call “The Septenary Mysteries”. As mystic
Christians, we do not use the word “septenary” in the manner and understanding
as the occult Theosophists or New Agers might. We accept the original and pure
doctrines of “sevens” mysteries as explained throughout God’s precious word and
which has been handed down to us by the Church and saints of the past.
Robert Fludd
understands the difference between the heavens. He separated, in his drawing,
the correct first three heavens. Where his inspiration proceeded and many of
his explanations came from stem from Ptolemaic thought.
Robbert Fludd also believed in a nine-fold celestial hierarchy of angels. We
will continue to post more fascinating articles regarding early Rosicrucianism
and its Christian connection.
E.W. King
More Articles to Enjoy
*Introduction to the Seven Heavens
*Greek & Hebrew Thought in Scripture
*Christian Antiochene Facts Revealed
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