Tuesday, January 21, 2025

2025 Rosicrucian Conformational Proclamation ~ AACM



Rosicrucian Conformational Proclamation

Published by, (AACM ~ Quorum)


In the Year of our LORD, January 17th 2025


Humanities Possibility to Enter a Golden Age…

Dear fellow Christian and Modern Literati,

It is time again for us to come forth with another proclamation of the importance of our existence on this planet. As those who have been given the responsibility to keep Sacred and Holy our most precious knowledge it is also our responsibility to expose proper knowledge at proper times. A Proper Time has come.

Many different governments are experiencing the blade of division. Older leaders still clinging to animalistic tyranny. When America’s two-party system becomes polarized to the extent of its imminent destruction, it is time to see just what is causing that polarization. America’s actions create waves throughout the Earth. Humans have reached a clash of World Views. It is the enemies of freedom, freedom of belief, who have controlled the information machines. They have brainwashed people into making the political parties into actual religions. Hence, the recipe for destruction.

Humans must understand the importance of their collective survival. Dialogue in the force of peace must become the New Program. Talk mature and talk politely – it is time for Humans to truly grow up. Those who are of the LIGHT will walk in TRUTH. The Kenites will continue to lie. Many from the delusional class wish us all to return to animal behavior. We are in the year 2025 and what has changed?

So, once again it is important that God’s Holy Watchers come forth and give warnings. It is time for Christianity to stop pretending that all the New Questions do not exist. Divine Intelligence is asking us to look again into His LIVING LOGOS. There are new gleams of LIGHT shinning through. Bright Beams of regeneration and perhaps a New Birth for all Nations, Kindreds, Tribes, and Tongues – a possible Golden Age.

We have seen many “arising Suns” but the one which is shortly to manifest will amaze the Learned and Unlearned. We, the Human race, have a small amount of time to make a very important choice. How will we use our collective energy, our negative and positive poles? Will we create for the whole? Human rights must be agreed upon collectively. Rights are never just for ‘the one’ or for ‘personal power’. For Human survival, rights must be for the many.

“Listen without defending. Speak without offending.”

Moral strength is the proper force to keep Human relationships from degrading into chaos. Organization must become a way of life, individually and collectively. As Lutheran Mystic Christians we believe that we have the Universal Truth for society to grow properly and continue to receive God’s mercy.

We are in the Cloud. Seek and ye shall find ~ we are in the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God is in us.

Ad Rosam per Crucem

Ad Crucem per Rosam

It is time for Humans to make the collective decision. As Christian Rosicrucians, our hope is that our contacts, our readers, and our hearers, will accept the entire Counsel for the Church of Laodicea before it is too late. No matter what, God will proceed to do a Marvelous Work and Wonder.

On Earth as it is in Heaven, through Jesus the Christ – This is our Hope.


~AACM Quorum

~In the Year of our LORD; January 17th 2025


Those called into our Spiritual Confraternity are called by the Unction of the Holy Spirit and not by man. The Church is a “spiritual body” of like minded with the same goal – peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Men.


Thoughts from Presbyter Eric William King to ponder:

Thoughts from Eric to contemplate…

“Human technology has grown into a monster. Human minds are not mature enough yet to play with such big toys. What should happen? We must learn from our mistakes faster, become more conscious of God’s natural laws and the fact that it is now time to respect them like never before.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2018)

“True Christian beliefs are not arbitrary, they have deep and significant purpose. If enough Christians are left to truly heed the counsel of Laodicea, in its fulness, a regeneration of our nation (perhaps the world) would occur. A return to the magnificent childlike Christian faith, which explores the mysteries of life.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2021)

“Todays Christians must free themselves from the bonds of denominationalism and all of its limits. True Christians will discuss issues through prayer, not by force.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2022)

“A true Christian feels compassion for all those who suffer regardless of their race, religion or culture. This fallen world has almost forgot that it is spiritual. People have starved their souls from God’s word. The vacuum has become filled with materialism. Only the Living Word can work inside the deepest part of the fallen self – lots of trash to get through.” E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2018)

“Material toys have not brought true and proper change within the soul of man. Humans keep doing the same thing over and over again but with new and intense results – continued self-destruction. We can go to the moon, we can land on an asteroid, we can buy ‘name-brand’ clothes, but we can’t stop fighting and killing each other. The Christian faith was right the whole time, humans are sinners.” ~ E.W. King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget if Truth”)

“It is my hope that Christians who study here at TSW and Nugget of Truth will not feel constrained by old bad beliefs but instead be willing to change and grow, begin the new thinking process. Become truly free.” E.W. King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget if Truth”)

"Truly, Chrsitianity has entered another Renaissance Era. There is also judgment in the true Christian message. In the midst of this fast-changing world we are also experiencing the beginning of the Whirlwind Prophecy – as understood by the Ancient Antiochene Church of God." By E.W. King (From: "Freedom in the True Church")

Rosicrucian Alchemical Formula for 2025

AAMC Helping with hope for the Golden Age

One must be prepared to learn the knowledge that is now coming forth to help in the Hopes of a Golden Age before the return of Christ - as God calls in the last of His elect. Here is what needs to happen in the ongoing Alchemy:

1-Reduce the arbitrary beliefs.

2-Arive at a ubiquitous level of Truth that all can agree and believe on.

3-Review religious dogmas and sift with Cosmic Law.

4-Understand Humanity as a whole, practice collective reasoning.

5-Stay away from the word “hate”.

6-Develop strong theological redirection which focusses on contemporary issues and difficulties.

7-Return to Human morality, dignity, and respect.

8-Humans must learn to more intelligently transmute energy through proper motivational force.

9-Humans must learn more about how to direct their personal emotions by conscious awareness and better understanding.

10-Begin to more fully understand that Spirit speaks through the subconscious mind to our subjective reasoning and from there manifests in the objective world.

These ten bits of knowledge comprise “The 2025 Alchemical Formula”. True Christians should take notice, study, and apply these steps to help with Christian maturity on a personal and collective level. It is my hope that you continue to fellowship with us here and practice and share what you learn.

So Mote It Be,

Eric Willaim King (January 21st 2025)

More Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysteries

*Shadows of Reality

*Antiochene First Earth Information

*True Christian Rosicrucians

*Message for those going through hard times

*Robert Fludd and Ancient Antiochene Mysticism

*Introduction to the Seven Heavens

*Early Johannites 

*Greek & Hebrew Thought in Scripture

*Shadows of Reality

*Christian Antiochene Facts Revealed

*The Seven Circles Revealed

 Note: The acronym AACM means: “Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysticism”. The acronym AAMC, which is also used sometimes, means: “Ancient Antiochene Mystic Christian”.

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