True Christian Rosicrucians
By Presbyter Eric William King
January 17th 2025
~ Praying for the Golden Age ~
I wish
to share some interesting history of the Rosicrucian movement. This information
comes from the teachings and records of the Ancient Antiochene Church of God.
Those who have studied with us have learned a lot about early Christianity, the
importance of the Lutheran reformation,
and now our Christian connection, as “Protestants”,
to the original Rosicrucian movement.
We prefer to
call it the “Rosicrucian movement” at first, instead of an actual “fraternal
order” or “secret fraternity”. Today there are numerous groups going
by the name “Rosicrucian”. Among these differing groups, our records only point
to one of these as having an original connection to Lutheran Christians, hence,
the original Rosicrucian’s. Many of these different latter groups have delved
into studies and subjects that the original Rosicrucians new nothing of or had
no interest in.
I myself have
been a student of Rosicrucianism since 1995. The Elders of the “Ancient Antiochene Church of God” have decided
and also approved of the coming forth of this Rosicrucian knowledge found in
our church archives at this time, Friday - January 17th of 2025.
After some time in prayer and meditation it was decided, we believe with the
approval of God, to now give this knowledge [historical and mythical] to the
Church in the last hours of the Laodicean Epoch
of time. A Quorum [the AACG Quorum] has been formed to protect the
clarity of this information.
I truly believe
that this knowledge is important for the “last day church”. It is time
for Christians to truly awake. The title, “Rosicrucian”
simply means “Rose Cross”. As a
micro-title it means “elect of God”. It
is the official and authoritative “Christian Mystic Symbol”. You do
not have to be called a “Rosicrucian” to be a Christian. It is better to understand
the “Rosicrucian teachings” as a topical subject of early Protestant
Christianity. Most Protestants would never admit to or accept the connection,
but the facts are the facts.
“No true Christian has to become a
but a true Rosicrucian must be a Christian.”
~E.W. King
Robert Fludd
was born in Elizabethan England. He was a scientist, doctor, philosopher, and Anglican Christian who accepted the Lutheran Reformation and studied with Mystic Lutherans. Robert Fludd defended the Christian Rosicrucian’s. Many
fake groups had placed anonymous tracts out which contained interests and
information that was not at all related to the true Rosicrucian’s. Robert Fludd
wrote of these false groups:
These imposters…” deceive people
every day with their superstitious magic, affected astrology, false formulae of
a sub-chemistry, or their pranks with deceitful cabala.”
Though it is
true that we have much more knowledge, more correct now than some of the
knowledge Robert Fludd had back then – Robert Fludd knew the error of those who
claimed to be “Rosicrucian” but were really not. The false groups were leaving
the “Christian connection” and going into pagan-hermeticism. It is true that
the Rosicrucians “Christianized” Hermetic science and Theosophy. They
would “eat the meat and throw away the bones” of any subject. One
thing the true Rosicrucian never does is throw away Jesus Christ or true
It also must be
remembered that Rosicrucian teachings change somewhat as new knowledge is
learned and old knowledge is corrected. This is what makes it very important.
We are continuing to learn more about God’s word, archeology, chemistry…all
sciences. We always take these subjects back to the Word of God. We
continue to learn more about God’s Cosmic Law.
The original
Rosicrucians taught that “the house of the
Holy Spirit” was not a literal location. Instead, it was a place
reached in the mind, a place of prayer/trance meditation – an inner sanctum. A true Rosicrucian is a
Christian who has the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Rosicrucian Manifestos
are very clear regarding Christianity and Jesus Christ. Rosicrucians were
indeed radical Christians for their time as they are still considered today.
true Christian has to become a Rosicrucian but a true Rosicrucian must be a
Christian. Proper knowledge regarding any subject
is extremely important. God said through the prophet Hosea; “My people are
destroyed for lack of [true] knowledge.”
True Christians do have the proper knowledge regarding those subjects
that our disturbers distort and proclaim, such as; Kabbalah, Higher Magia,
hidden secrets of healing, A.I. technology, outer-space connections, etc.
Helping with hope for the Golden Age
must be prepared to learn the knowledge that is now coming forth to help in the
Hopes of a Golden Age before the return of Christ - as God calls in the last of
His elect. Here is what needs to happen in the ongoing Alchemy:
1-Reduce the arbitrary beliefs.
2-Arive at a ubiquitous level of Truth
that all can agree and believe on.
3-Review religious dogmas and sift with
Cosmic Law.
4-Understand Humanity as a whole,
practice collective reasoning.
5-Stay away from the word “hate”.
6-Develop strong theological redirection
which focusses on contemporary issues and difficulties.
7-Return to Human morality, dignity, and
8-Humans must learn to more
intelligently transmute energy through proper motivational force.
9-Humans must learn more about how to
direct their personal emotions by conscious awareness and better understanding.
10-Begin to more fully understand that Spirit
speaks through the subconscious mind to our subjective reasoning and from there
manifests in the objective world.
These ten bits of knowledge comprise “The 2025 Alchemical Formula”. True Christians
should take notice, study, and apply these steps to help with Christian
maturity on a personal and collective level. It is my hope that you continue to
fellowship with us here and practice and share what you learn.
So Mote It Be,
Eric Willaim King (January 21st
”Certainly, it is heaven on Earth to have
One’s mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon
the poles of Truth.”
~ Francis Bacon
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