Liber 888
This “Liber 888 AACM” is to help all Christian Rosicrucians to get foundational tid-bits of important information. These short pieces of truth [nuggets of Truth] will help give you guiding points of reflection while studying or reading anything. This “Liber 888 AACM” is a public booklet for all of those interested in understanding, contemplating, and becoming a True Rosicrucian.
RC Foundational thoughts to consider;
reject all of the offshoots after Mt. Luther. Lutherans are the first and true
Protestants. We (Rosicrucians) recognize Protestants from many Protestant
denominations and factions as faithful brothers and sisters in Christ – even
though we may disagree on points. All Christians are welcome to the facts of
Rosicrucianism. We reject Papal authority; we reject the pride of Calvinism
[though we do teach “election” and believe in “Eternal Security”]. We reject
the Anabaptist piety movement, which is unfortunately reflected in many fallen
denominations still today. We fully accept and believe in the faith expressed
by the “Confession of Augsburg”. This is our official Christian statement
regarding the Sacraments and Salvation.” – AACM
Note: Christian
Rosicrucians are mostly comprised of Anglican and Lutheran Christians. This is
because it was Lutheran & Anglican Christians who started the original and
true Rosicrucian movement. Today the Christian Rosicrucians comprise protestant
Christians from all denominations. As one of the old Colliers Encyclopedia
states, it is the original Christian Catechumens who make up the true
“The true
Rosicrucian movement was started by Lutheran Mystic Christians.
Luther’s rose is the “Christian Rose” of the Rosicrucian Order. We use many
depictions of roses on crosses in our art and studies. The Red Rose and the
Cross become foundational in representing us and our teachings and should be
protected and held as sacred. Johann Valentin was a devout Lutheran who was
commissioned to write the third manifesto of our believed Order. We invite all
Lutheran Christians to probe our message. The literati, theologi,
and philosphi are all welcome to the table.” – AACM
Fama Fraternitatis R.C states that the
Rosicrucians hold to two Holy Sacraments and all forms and ceremonies of the
“RENEWED CHURCH [the Lutheran Church].” There is no need for Salvific
reformation in the Renewed Church. In fact, all of today’s Protestants exist
because of the reforms mentioned in the Lutheran “Book of Concord”.
Rosicrucians now long for the reform to continue right into all subjects.
Theology and Science merge. God’s Natural Laws must now be understood and
properly appropriated to serve Divine Intelligence.” – AACM
“In this
end time of our Sixth Dispensation [the Church Era] we need to have the right
teachings to move into thick tolerance that is needed – we
need proper alchemy to go through the fluid of change. We live in times of
great change. A.I. technology, space technology, all need to be properly
integrated into our Christian faith. We must know and understand the science
and its moral consequences, capabilities, and implications. The Rosicrucian
teachings are always seen in light of the Christian revelation.” – AACM
“We do
accept some of the theological reforms that have happened to correct bad
theology within other denominations. As Sir Robert Fludd has stated in the
past, “…it is most openly declared that they [Rosicrucians] belong to the reformed
religion.” As a matter of fact, theological reform must continue right into
every area of the Human experience and existence.” – AACM
“The true
Rosicrucian worships Jesus Christ sincerely and purely. Our studies bring us
spiritual Alchemy, Natural Philosophy [Sophia centered], Christian Kabbalah,
and many other wisdoms. We have been given so much Light from God’s word. We
now understand micro and macro physics in
Light of God’s most precious Word. Our people [Rosicrucians] are spiritual
builders, and we must always be careful how we build.” – AACM
“We accept
the Divine Alchemy of the Eucharist. Those “fallen” Protestants who have
reduced the Holy Sacrament to a mere philosophic symbol are
perishing because they have taken Christ out of the “blood” and the “body” out
of the bread. Christianity has become nothing but a rule-list filled with
philosophical poetry. If you take the “supernatural” power out of the
Sacraments, they are no longer sacraments, just mere symbols that amount to
empty dreams. True Christianity is full of wonder and awe – it is filled with
the mysteries and power of Jesus Christ.” – AACM
Note: Christians
in most Protestant Churches today reject the proper transmutation of the
Eucharist. The first Protestants never changed this pure doctrine. Calvin and
others started to teach “piety” and rejected the Eucharist. This is a good
example of man trying to deny the reality of Cosmic Law.
Rosicrucians have always taught that our environment controls a great part of
our mood, thoughts, and emotions. The work of your Mind can access the records
of the Human brain and connect all that our five senses are taking in. Familiar
places create the sense of safety and peace, the symbols that surround our
everyday life are emotional activators and “posts” which guide us, mostly
unknowingly, throughout our lives. Rosicrucians teach how to become more
conscious of ourselves and our environment. By understanding these Cosmic Laws
of God, we can use them as tools to glorify Divine Intelligence, uplift
Humanity, and properly navigate through everyday life.” – AACM
“Some may
think that our Christianity contains arbitrary concepts and beliefs, especially
for today. People who believe this have never truly studied the Word of God.
God’s word chronicles all bad and good Human
behavior since the beginning of time. By becoming a true Christian, the person
has the “download” of the Holy Spirit and the Living Logos to now help guide.
We begin to create new and better memories after absolution,
complete forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Our memories from our past help to create
moods, both good and bad. To create the best of memories is to live a forgiven and Holy
Christian Life. Doing what is right creates a foundational list of consistency,
not perfect - yet truthful. As Godly memories increase so does the joy and
peace increase in the heart of the true Christian – that blessed Rose
enlightened by the Cross.” – AACM
new habits is important to creating the way of the Rose Cross – the Life of our
beloved Savior, Jesus in our own actions and words. Conscious habits of
studying God’s word, remaining in prayer throughout the day, going to the
special “home sanctum” for contemplation, meditation, trance. Through
the gift and understanding of Rosicrucian neuroplasticity the
Human brain can learn to rewire its thinking process. Christians download the
Logos and become “partakers of the Divine Nature” which ultimately
frees us from the bondage of this Fallen Matrix.” – AACM
relationships are extremely important to the Rosicrucian. Today people live
together before marriage, to test their “latest catch”. This is not proper
alchemy. Also, people are choosing to be around, and start relationships, based
on everything but personality compatibility. Many get married today
without really being conscious of such an import decision. It is spiritually,
mentally, and physically draining and toxic to be forced into a relationship
that contains much disruption. The destructive relationship is not the healthy
relationship. If one finds him or herself in such a predicament, it is best to
leave that environment – if married remain unmarried. Time to focus
on God and pray for the one that is “unconsciously” disturbing. Proper
production on a daily basis is the Rosicrucians directive.” – AACM
Rosicrucian goes to Church when he or she can and gets involved where he or she
can in doing God’s work. This is the concentrated habit of the Rosicrucian –
doing the Great Work. If you can truly change your
mind, you can change your Life.” – AACM Quorum
“God holds
all of the quantum reality in His hands. From this small substance comes Great
Things. Our thoughts can give strength to the “small mustard seed” and
that quantum reality can start changing, instantly, for the betterment. Our
feelings must now learn to become directed by our God guided will.” - AACM
Understand Three States of Consciousness
Let us
now review the Three States of Consciousness:
First Consciousness that all
Humans share, to one degree or another, is the Objective
Consciousness. As Humans God has given us five-objective faculties.
These are like “five antennas” which we may use to take in knowledge.
These are sight, hearing, taste, touch, and sound.
Not all Humans have all five functioning properly.
Children should have these five faculties memorized and hold them to be sacred
and learn how to protect, keep, and use them properly.
God’s word informs us how to use these faculties in a proper way, according to
the will of Absolute Intelligence – God.
In our Human
bodies we are experiencing the first two heavens, Earth’s atmosphere and
outer space [Human environment]. So, this first consciousness, Objective
Consciousness is understood to be fully operating in the first two heavens.
All three of the stages of consciousness are operating within what we call the Seven Circles. (This is a deeper topic
we have articles on.)
We must, as
Christians, learn to use our objective conscious state to serve God and then
others. By understanding the three states of consciousness we can learn to be “attuned” to all three at once through the
power of the indwelling Holy Spirit thus we begin the process of recognizing
God in all areas of our lives.
Second Consciousness that
Humans have is the Subjective Consciousness.
The subjective part of the mind tells us what to do with all of our “objective”
sensations. In this sense, we see that one is dependent on the other – both the
objective and subjective bring us perception
and ultimately interpretation of our reality.
thinking involves our past memories of things and experiences. It also involves
the playground of basic thinking. There are steps to follow, handed down by
the ancients, which teach us how to properly deal with our thoughts and the
subjective mind in general. The Ancient
Antiochene Church of God teaches that thinking properly is a learned
process. Here one needs proper reason and proper knowledge.
Here is a basic
outline to help you understand the “flow” of proper creative thought:
1-Conception: The Human ability to create, in
the mind, the idea of a finished product for some constructive
reason. Here is where a clear mental picture is drawn.
2-Creation: The Human ability to consider the
elements needed to create the finished product. The steps needed to finish the
project are curiously considered.
3-Directing: The Human ability to physically get
to work to build the project and complete the creation. Here is where all the
energy is finally released, in the finished product.
These are just
some of the teachings that the Ancient Antiochene Christians understood and
still understand to this day. As you continue to study with us here you can
learn much of the Ancient Antiochene Wisdom.
It is in this
second section of consciousness (the subjective) that we begin to ponder
heavenly things in a much more intelligent way. The subjective mind opens us up
to the higher heavens when it is properly guided by the Holy Spirit. When the
subjective mind is better controlled through Christian maturity (involving prayer,
meditation, worship) a door is opened in the mind to consciously receive Divine Confirmations. We begin to sense the
Higher Reality – the Divine Matrix.
Now we will look at the highest state of Christian Consciousness.
Third Consciousness that
Humans have is Cosmic Consciousness.
Here we may experience all of the Seven Heavens, the Seven Circles and gain
proper access to the 40 dimensions consciously. The new faculty which allows us
to properly experience Cosmic Consciousness is the gift of the Holy Spirit. We
must remember that only the will guided by the Holy Spirit is in union
with the will of ONE TRUE GOD.
Many deeper and
mystical experiences in our relationship with God occur through Cosmic
Consciousness. This mystic connection is experienced in prayer sometimes, the
Christian can enter trance, deep prayer and connection with the Absolute Divine –
In the Cosmic
Consciousness one may witness the past, present, or future.
All is contained in the deeper connections with the Mind of God – the Mind of
Christ. Apostle Paul informs us: “Let this mind be in you, the mind that was
in Christ Jesus.” God wants us to have the deeper level relationship with
Him. God offers us His word, the Holy Scriptures. We are to read the Scriptures
and gain proper understanding of God’s will for our lives. Through prayer and
worship, through good fellowship with others, we gain the maturity and social
skills that we need to glorify God.
So Cosmic Consciousness is something that we are
maturing into in our current spacetime continuum. It is something that we will
more fully partake of when we leave these material bodies [material as we
understand it] and gain our glorified bodies [composed
of God’s uncreated super material]. The Scriptures state that “we
shall be as He is”. Apostle Paul
states that we see things ‘now’ somewhat distorted, as if looking into a foggy
mirror. He goes on to state that we shall one day see “clearly” that which we
do not have the faculties to do so with now. When micro-physicists look deeper
into the smallest particles of matter things start to get “foggy”, even
“spooky”. Just what is this “ethereal” substance?
Eventually the
Christian student may begin to study and experience the “heavens” by the
understanding of the Seven Circles.
The Christian gains a proper understanding of God’s laws, His natural and super-natural laws. Only if these laws are honored and held
sacred will you truly begin to realize the undeserved kindness of Divine Intelligence. So even though we can
“taste” some of these higher-realities now, we cannot yet truly experience them
in fulness while in our Human mortal bodies.
So, we keep running
the race, not that we have finished, but we long for the finish-line before we
start yet again, another exciting journey in eternity with or loving God.
A Christian Mystic
Respectful Word on Health
In the “information
age” everybody seems to have become an “expert” at almost everything and
anything. Regarding physical health people have asked me what the definitive
position is regarding physical health and “The
Ancient Antiochene Church of God”. Let me give a short yet
satisfying answer regarding this important issue.
First, many of
those who have eaten vegetarian since the year 2000 have developed the practice
as a sort of “religion”. If you ask some of them why they are vegetarian they
will go on about animal rights and then jump into exaggerated speech regarding
ecological issues. While all of these are important issues, these are some of
the same people who accuse Christians of “preaching” too much. Some of these
fanatic vegetarians exalt “animal rights” even above their humanitarian
views. Some will abort their human child but yell at a person killing a frog to
Because of all
the information being spued out regarding these issues it may take a generation
or two to get down to just where the “nitty-gritty” is left – then what is
truly important shall appear. In the meantime, the Antiochene Christian is of
course concerned about physical health. By understanding God’s “natural laws” we may better consider a proper
diet for just what we need. We must be careful about having some idea that “all
should have the same diet” to be healthy. Each Human is different, with
different needs – especially regarding diet.
We believe in
proper hygiene. Keeping oneself clean sometimes seems to be a continuous task,
be that as it may, we cannot be too careful, especially in today’s world. Good
rest during the day, taking breaks and walks. As Antiochene Christians we have
prayer life, meditation, worship, the partaking of the Eucharist, being in
trance with Divine Intelligence, and
worshiping with other Christians are all important aspects of staying
physically and spiritually healthy. We must never separate God’s natural
laws from His spiritual laws. We must understand how these work
together. We must never forget that we have a spirit that needs to be
fed in conjunction with our physical body.
Apostle Paul
informs us under inspiration of the Holy Spirit that we are not to get in
fights or argue with people over food issues. We are to love everyone no matter
what their faith allows them to eat – meat or vegetables. Sadly, some churches
still today are dividing themselves over food issues. Regarding our love for
animals, all Christians love animals. I have had many in my life throughout the
years; horses, cats, dogs, rodents, hermit crabs, birds, etc. I personally believe
that it is important for a child to eventually own a pet as part of the family.
This creates very important parenting skills and altruistic behavior as one
grows older.
True Christianity is in the business of creating a new type of Humanity for
sure. Today, people are asking questions about gender and sex - that has never
really been a big deal before. The True Church has always taught that marriage
is between a biological man and a biological woman. So, if somebody thinks
different what should she do? We must remember that God tells us in His Word
that ultimately, we are different from this Fallen World and that we must not
only follow God’s “supernatural” laws, but we must also accept and respect His
“natural” laws.
Once a person becomes Born Again into
Christ, “behold, all things become new.”
You can find answers to these and other difficult questions with us in God’s
Word. God does and will continue to tell us difficult things but He is honest –
He wants the best for us.
“The Three States of Consciousness”, By
Eric William King (January 1st 2025)
This concludes Liber 888 AACM ~
January 31st 2025
The Liber 888 AACM is compiled and put together by the
AACM Quorum for the benefit of Christian Rosicrucians. May you experience Peace
Profound in our Lord, Jesus Christ.
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