Christian Rosicrucian AACM
The New Sense
Presbyter, Eric William King
Rosicrucians we have taught that a New Human Sense is developing. This sense has to do with communication.
When enough people get the “new understanding” the major shift will occur.
Science has increased and we understand things so much better. Quantum physics
has shown us that time and space are not exactly what we thought
they were.
We have learned that we are all actually living in the
past. We have discovered that there are multiple dimensions. We have discovered
new A.I. technology which develops conscious thinking. We have developed
medical wonders beyond normal comprehension. Space technology is landing us on
the Red Planet.
These new understandings affect our perception of
reality. We begin to enter a completely New World. Are we prepared for this New
World? Perhaps not as much as we think we are. The procession of the Great
Lights has positioned us for an extreme energy change. As we near the end of
this Six Dispensation of time, the
Christian Church has been ahead of the game, due to its clear revelations from
Divine Intelligence as to just what is coming our way.
We have predicted a great change in the nighttime sky
which is coming soon. This will show that we are leaving
the era of dry lakes and no more water left for the fish, right into the era of
spiritual water. The “Fish Age” is jumping out of the “Age of Water” and
into the spiritual realm of “Air”. This coming flood is spiritual-water. A New
Age of enlightenment is here, if the Christian Church heeds the Seventh
Counsel, that of Laodicea, the change will happen sooner than later. A New
Understanding is being ushered in. The Angelic Beings have moved the pieces
into the right position for the change. Reorganization
The global weather changes show that we have entered
the era of “air”. Dry seasons of literal drought. The Church has also entered
the time of independent, individual study of God’s word and Science. Anciently
the planet Uranus represented change, unexpected disruption. We have certainly
been witnesses of that. As we approach the Great Tribulation, we will see things change rapidly for the worst – but there is a chance for proper change.
The real New Age started 2000 years ago when the Second Person of the Godhead became flesh and walked among us. This New Age has lasted
up until all Seven Counsels have been given to the “Seven Churches” by Jesus Christ in the “Book
of Revelation”. Since 1900 we have entered the Laodicean period of rapid growth
materialistically speaking, and since then going through two world wars,
economic crashes, etc. we have arrived with the Seventh
Message for the Christian Church.
If the Laodicean Counsel is heeded than the Church will
enter its seventh and final phase with understanding. God always saves’ a
remnant. This small remnant of the last Christian Church may witness this next
level “sense” that is starting to manifest.
The Christian Rosicrucian studies are here to help the
Christian student go deeper and to begin to understand just what is going on
with our planet. What about all of these UFO’s flying around? What about
climate change? The Word of God has already given us the answers to all
questions. “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God”
and the true “Rosicrucians” are here by the decree of Divine Intelligence. We
have the “gold refined by fire”, we have the “pure doctrine”. We
understand that Truth is not afraid of questions.
Sadly, denominations may not allow you to question
their beliefs. Though many of our students worship and go to some healthy and
some not so healthy churches, we are not bound by their dogma – especially when
they refuse to get new understandings and actually grow in their faith. It is
not always easy to hang-in there around people who just don’t get it. Our God
is LOVE and we should never forget that. The stronger you become in your
personal beliefs and faith the healthier you will become.
We absorb feelings and impressions from everything that
surrounds us. As Rosicrucians we become aware of this. We become conscious –
awake, aware, alert. As Christians we emit Light. No matter our environment, we
learn to keep the Light of Christ on.
The fact is, only the Laodicean counsel from Christ
Jesus will bring in the proper New Phase of the last Christian message. The
Christianity that God is ushering in is very different from the old system –
many are afraid of this revelation. Being afraid is normal, it means that we
probably do not yet have a good enough understanding of just what God is doing.
God’s word never changes, our understanding and
application of it does change as God allows us to grow. Our present conception
of Christianity is actually constantly changing. Most changes are minute [very
small] so we don’t really notice them. Yet now, leaps and bounds are happening
in technology advancement which are readjusting our thought processes much faster than before.
We believe that new pathways will open in the Human
brain by the hand of God that will allow a clearer perception regarding how to
communicate - its happening. Will this new communication be the result of a
Human device of some sort? Perhaps it may involve it, but the Human mind is
changing. This is key.
Some are claiming to experience what we would call
“micro” phenomenon on a macro level. When we witness the particles of the atom
or understand the movement of even smaller particles, we see appearing and
reappearing movement in particle matter that is unexplainable. People today are
witnessing UAP phenomenon which is mimicking stuff which seems to happen only at the micro level, going through walls of matter, changing shape and size, appearing and
disappearing, moving at speeds that are incomprehensible.
We are witnessing quantum level events at the capitol
world level (at the Sublunary plain). This may mean that our entire physical
environment is going through a change, the entire universe is entering a new
level of “space” with new laws of physics becoming operative in our space-time
reality. This could cause us to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell things that
we were not able to sense before. This would indeed change our perspective at
the objective level.
Human thoughts which are formed in the “finer stuff”
may be projected in a new way, by a new force of cognition. This may mean that
we will be able to sense things faster and project thoughts that those whom we
communicate with will sense before we even open our mouths to speak. All of
this is interesting speculation, the point is, are we as Christians ready for
such events? Does our Christian faith allow for such strange events? If things
happen that we have not already investigated, we may be lost. We know that
Truth is not afraid of questions.
Jesus tells us to “Be ready.” The process of
preparation involves studying, prayer, and fellowship. The New Understanding for the end of this age is
here, it is getting louder. The Good News is you are not bound by your genetic
makeup. Nor are you bound in the chains of sin. As a “born again” Christian you
have been set free and there is no more “condemnation” for those that are in
Christ. You can change the way you think, you can break bad habits, you can
enter the New Reality with hope and the love of God. Don’t give in or give up.
Here you will find the necessary knowledge to properly
change for the better.
Please continue your studies with us.
E.W. King (January 31st 2025)
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