A Rosicrucian perspective on:
Christian Faith or “Rule Keeping”?
experience of the Christian faith is different for each Christian. As far as
the “Ancient Antiochene Church of God”
is concerned, many Christians today have lost the “mystic connection” to
their faith. Many sometimes feel as if they are simply following some sort of
“rule list” and their Christianity has become nothing more than “doing right”
and feeling “bad” is wrong. Some try and force themselves to feel “good”. This
seems to be the roller-coaster ride for many Christians.
For me, it
wasn’t until I allowed God to restore my wonder – like a child again. To be
able to have experiences with God as I once experienced as child changed my
perspective. To be allowed to experience God without some “denominational guide
book” that informs me “how I am supposed to feel” and what I am supposed to
“do”. Yes, there are absolutes in true Christian doctrine, yes, we serve a God
who does not change – but we in fact do change as we grow.
To the Antiochene and Rosicrucian
Christian, faith does not shackle the Human imagination. In fact,
true faith expands the Human imagination with awe and wonder. Some churches
have a theology that restricts their members. Many are “stuck” in their own
belief system. “Belief” is okay but when it fixates on one specific
denominational understanding it restricts its ability to seek for itself. Jesus
instructs His true followers: “Seek, and ye shall find.”
We should never
stop seeking a deeper relationship and understanding of our God. Those who have
studied with Antiochene Christians have expanded their understandings on almost
every subject of Scripture, this is healthy. Fear is what prevents most from
going “too deep” in their faith. True faith allows for inner struggles to occur,
this is how faith goes through the “alchemical
fire” and becomes “refined”.
I know that it
requires courage to investigate for one’s own self his or her belief system. Jesus Christ has given Seven Counsels to the churches listed in the
“Book of Revelation”. These have deep meaning. When you get a chance, take some
time out to review the new Rosicrucian commentary regarding these counsels (to be
posted on this site). As
Christians, we should be able to share with other Christians our own
relationship with Heavenly Father. The fact is, today many Christians
(especially in America) are stuck in some hardcore belief system that is very
different than what the earliest Christians believed in.
This is why I
urge all Christians to study my lectures carefully regarding early Christianity
and how the New Testament came together (Found on YouTube: “Nugget of Truth”).
Please continue to study with us here for free - and as God leads, please share.
Let us all grow together.
May you
experience peace profound in a new and exciting relationship with God through
Jesus Christ our LORD.
Eric William
King (February 14th 2025)
All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.
Note: Not all
Rosicrucians who study here understand all our subjects the same exact way. This
is healthy. We are not dogmatic when it comes to investigating our faith. True
faith is based on blocks of Truth. We hope to help reveal those scientific
blocks of Truth – God’s natural laws – so that we can have a strong foundation
when it comes to articulating our faith in Human language. Knowing “what” you
believe in and “why” is extremely important to developing a healthy
relationship with God.
More Rosicrucian thoughts to ponder...
Does Christianity Help America?
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