Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Rosicrucian Solution 2025


Rosicrucian Solution 

for 2025

~ One Christian Rosicrucian's Opinion ~

There are many Christians like Libavius who attack the authenticity of our Ancient Christianity. We do not see them offering anything better. It is easy to disagree with everything one hears without offering a solution that actually works. We find that many who claim to be “Liberal” believe that we Christians are somehow “destroying the planet” because we are moral. They may disagree but they offer no real solutions that will work. Instead, “more money” and “bigger government” is their answer to everything.

On the other hand, many who call themselves conservatives never really get anything done either. So, what’s the answer? We (AACM) believe that TRUE CHRISTIANITY is the final answer. Much of Earth’s population claims that it holds to the “Christian faith”. What would happen if they all finally lived up to “love thy brother” and “fellow Christian”? Think what could be done with Natural Law when it is properly attuned to pure Christianity.

As the planet ages and as man learns more and more about science and medicine, Christianity is to become “brighter and brighter” until “the appointed day”. So how is this accomplished? It is time for the TRUE CHRISTIANS to heed the counsel unto Laodicea. Now that might not mean anything to most – what in the heck is “Laodicea” and what’s the “counsel”?

Even most Christians don’t even know the answer to this question. Why? Improper teaching of the Christian faith and erroneous false doctrines from numerous denominations have created CHAOS. Sadly, America’s churches do not even know or understand the history of their own Christian faith. Most churches have removed the “mysteries of God” and have turned into “social clubs”. The Holy Sacraments are now just pithy “symbols” (stage props) and theology has turned into “Psychoanalyses”.

Jesus tells the Laodicean church to understand His alchemy: “Buy of me gold refined in the fire”. Who is teaching this final alchemical message? The Christian Rosicrucians are.

Meanwhile, this planet has become extremely polarized due to the press turning the political parties into “religious factions”. This is why even college students now think of everything as a “holistic religious movement” filled with “aggression” to hopefully “prove their cause”. Humanity is much more precious and fragile than these types understand. In the past, it has taken a war to wake up the majority of the Human population, after it has “fallen asleep” because of laziness and materialism. Let us pray that we make it through this time without war.

Humans are not “enlightened” enough to play with all the A.I dangerous “toys” that their sinful natures can imagine. We are in a sad situation as a whole. A return to the “higher worlds” is needed now like never before. As a Christian Rosicrucian, I have learned and continue to learn what is truly important for all of us and that is, love for God must always come first if we are to succeed. Not love for material toys and the “worship” of the material body.

Christian parents, please be careful regarding your child’s education. Pay attention to who is teaching them “what”. Best to homeschool if you can. If you cannot homeschool, spend precious time with your child everyday and teach them good behavior and about Heavenly Father – Divine Intelligence.

I watch the TV and see people involuting into crazy prehistoric animal behavior. Why? It has been over 2000 years since our Savior, Jesus the Christ walked this planet in His human body. What have we done with His teachings? True Christians are to be the “light of the world”, not the “denominations” of the world. So, in ending, I realize that there are in fact some who have read this and it was like a volcanic relief knowing that somebody else perhaps feels like they do. For others, they just keep touting their side of the aisle without offering any real solution. It is time to come together through true enlightenment. Many in both parties throw around the word “hate”. They say “Oh, I hate that guy.” What enlightened teacher throws around such words?

Some claim to be lovers of animals and all humanity and that they are “enlightened” – the very next words out of their mouth is “I hate…”. Hhhhmmm. True Christians talk about “praying for your enemies” and “loving others who might disagree”. To the world this seems like a very weak attitude to have, its much more powerful to “burn flags”, “yell and scream”. Aren’t those terrorist methods? - “If I make enough noise and use the word ‘hate” I will get my way.” Hhhmmm

Here is the solution that I believe will work: We have to learn to think right. We have to learn to act right. We have to learn to speak and listen right. But wait, that takes work. Humanity needs a spiritual upgrade badly. True Unifying Christianity is the solution. We need morality and righteousness to shine bright. In other words, we need to grow up.

Having said all this, it is just my “opinion” – everybody has one.

Well, that was satisfying airing that out. Please stay with us and study with us here. Why not? Its free and extremely interesting information.

May you discover peace profound in friendship with our Lord, Jesus the Christ.

*Samuel A. Weiser – AACM Quorum

P.S. – Sorry if this article offended some but if I don’t let it out, I get verbal constipation.

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Some Rosicrucian notes to ponder.....

Rosicrucian Note: Please understand. Our conceptual drawings and charts are not completely accurate by any means. They are certainly relatively serviceable to us in understanding the basic concepts of reality. This knowledge comes intuitively and through the Subconscious human mind into the Subjective Thoughts to a completed form in our elemental world. As our expansion in consciousness proceeds, the charts will become clearer to our understanding. Christian Rosicrucian charts and drawings are to help activate the Human imagination with the truth being expressed.

Rosicrucian Note: Ultimately the universe cannot be explained with mere Human pithy constructions. It is the Cosmic Law of everything that must be recognized before it can be properly utilized. Though man is simple and mortal, he can still use his gifted imagination and envision greater realities. It is through good faith in mans ideas that he tests things and discovers new truths. This is how Christian Rosicrucians grow and learn.

Rosicrucian Note: Christian Rosicrucians recognize triodities in everything. They encompass all true reality and absolute actuality. This simple law of the triangle is foundational to understanding our Triune God and learning to see Divine Intelligence in everything. Its geometry contains the secret of unity in formation.

Rosicrucian Note: Though God is without beginning and end our Human reality, the entire Pleroma, has a beginning and an end. Our reality therefore has a first source and center. The created reality has the concept of a Creator – God. To say that there is no God is to live in denial of your own created reality. Christian Rosicrucians have been given an edict (Sola Scriptura) to help awaken those “dead in their sins” to the reality of a Christ filled life and peace profound.


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