Dear Sensitive illuminatus…
I write this to whom it may concern…just keep reading, you’ll get
Francis Bacon prophesied about the Rosicrucians before they actually existed as
“Rosicrucians”. Before the Lutheran Mystic Christians were called “Rosicrucian”
they were known as,” the Illuminati”. This title has morphed into
conspiracy theories galore. This is because the infamous Adam Weishaupt, a
rogue Mason [Masonic Fraternity], in Germany started a dark group with that
name and he had somewhat evil motives and was discovered and uncovered by the
Roman Church.
announced his new fraternal order on May 1st 1776. At first, he
thought to name it the “Order of Perfectibilists which later was just called
“the Illuminati”. Most people only know how to connect the “Illuminati” with
this distorted offshoot.
The fact is, the title “Illuminati” was used long before Adam Weishaupt used it. The early Patristic Church called all those Christians who had gone through its Catechism as those numbered amongst the “illuminati.” It gained strong ground as a somewhat hidden (esoteric) title for the Mystic German Lutherans because they admired Sir Francis Bacon and his writings. Bacon was a mystic Christian. It is true that during the mid and close of the 1500’s there were groups meeting in their homes comprised of philosophers, scientists, doctors and visionaries. We have some of the titles of these older groups in our Ancient Antiochene Library.
This prophesied
“brotherhood” that Sir Francis Bacon spoke of is hinted of throughout his
writings. Here is a passage from his work, “Advancement of Learning”
which was dedicated to James the1st:
“Surely as nature createth
brotherhood in families, and arts mechanical contract brotherhoods in
communities, and the anointment of God superinduceth a brotherhood in kings and
bishops, so in learning there cannot but be a fraternity in learning and
ILLUMINATION, relating to that paternity which is attributed to God, who is
called the father of illumination or lights.”
We must
understand that the early Rosicrucian movement was not just a bunch of deep
thinkers struggling through old superstitious beliefs. Many of them had
experienced firsthand the power of intuition and what today has become
known as E.S.P. and telekinesis. Also, the ability for some of them
to “foresee” things - before they happened. Many of the early
Rosicrucians practiced holistic medicine and “natural remedies”. They were not
afraid to try new things. They were some of the first detectives of
“paranormal” activity due to the fact that many of them had special spiritual
gifts. Today psychologists and spiritualists would call them “Sensitives”.
There are many children
and adults who have felt much different than most other Humans standing all
around them. They have never been able to shake this even in their adult lives.
Their ability to sense things correctly before they happen and the ability to
feel the emotional energy of those around them without anyone ever
saying a word – these gifted people struggle within themselves to be social.
The mind becomes loaded down sometimes with worry or anxiety – it seems others
don’t understand them.
So not only did
some of these early Christian Mystics have great minds and gifts, but now,
through the new Rosicrucian development, they hoped to come together and
relieve some of their stress by studying it and talking about it with others
who just might understand. It was hard for them just as it is today for
Sensitives. When you tell somebody that you are a “Christian” but then you see
and understand your faith in a deeper mystical way, others take it to mean that
you are “strange” or that “something is not right”. Thus, the Sensitive feels
this rejection from those around him or her and this can create depression and
even anger in the Sensitive. Many resort to addiction patterns for self-medication
- but it makes things worse.
Many who are alcoholics
are Sensitives and do not even realize it. They have stressed so bad throughout
their lives that they resort to numbing themselves from the outside world.
Yes, many of
the pharmaceutical drugs make things worse for the Sensitive also. It is best
to recognize if you are one and then to properly accept it and learn how to
properly deal with it by others who have gained important experience and
knowledge. Those who can predict things quite accurately can be seen to be
“magicians” or even “freaks” by those who just don’t understand. Rosicrucians have discovered that if people
have an outlet for their imagination, which is grounded on Christian
principles, then they can discover the inner peace that they have longed for.
Sensitives come
in all shapes and sizes.
Mysticism does not
just help Sensitives; it helps all people learn to respect their imaginations
and use them to help others and glorify God. There are Natural Laws, laws of
simple and complex science that can be utilized by the Mystic Christian to help
him or her through this life in very special ways. One can learn to attune to
his spiritual gifts and use them in a productive way not only for himself, but
for all of Humanity.
have been offering techniques for those who really want to know and understand
the Truth about this world that we all live in – this Fallen Matrix. God can be
seen in the things of creation [through the Natural Laws] so that man is
without excuse. It is my hope that you stop in and read our articles and
perhaps watch some of our lectures. If you are a Sensitive and know it, why not
try some of our teachings out. Even if you are not a Sensitive perhaps you can
learn to tap into a greater part of who you are and experience life in greater
and more powerful way. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. If nothing
else, you may learn some interesting history.
It costs
nothing to become a Christian Rosicrucian. If you are learning with us,
My hope is that
you experience peace profound in a new relationship with Divine Intelligence.
Eric William
King (February 9th 2025)
Some Rosicrucian notes to ponder.....
Rosicrucian Note: Please understand. Our conceptual drawings and charts are not completely accurate by any means. They are certainly relatively serviceable to us in understanding the basic concepts of reality. This knowledge comes intuitively and through the Subconscious human mind into the Subjective Thoughts to a completed form in our elemental world. As our expansion in consciousness proceeds, the charts will become clearer to our understanding. Christian Rosicrucian charts and drawings are to help activate the Human imagination with the truth being expressed.
Rosicrucian Note: Ultimately the universe cannot be explained with mere Human pithy constructions. It is the Cosmic Law of everything that must be recognized before it can be properly utilized. Though man is simple and mortal, he can still use his gifted imagination and envision greater realities. It is through good faith in mans ideas that he tests things and discovers new truths. This is how Christian Rosicrucians grow and learn.
Rosicrucian Note: Christian Rosicrucians recognize triodities in everything. They encompass all true reality and absolute actuality. This simple law of the triangle is foundational to understanding our Triune God and learning to see Divine Intelligence in everything. Its geometry contains the secret of unity in formation.
Rosicrucian Note: Though God is without beginning and end our Human reality, the entire Pleroma, has a beginning and an end. Our reality therefore has a first source and center. The created reality has the concept of a Creator – God. To say that there is no God is to live in denial of your own created reality. Christian Rosicrucians have been given an edict (Sola Scriptura) to help awaken those “dead in their sins” to the reality of a Christ filled life and peace profound.
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