Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The New Understanding - 2025 New Age


The New Understanding

Sir Eric William King brings this brief explanation of the New Understanding.

Behold, the New Understanding, it comes through the Rosicrucian movement now reactivated in the year of our Lord, 2025. It is time for “the new scientific view” of the world. This will gain force through the Christians as all true Christians review their faith in the light of the Laodicean Epoch of time. We will all soon experience the New Understanding.

All Christians who have found the Ancient Antiochene Church of God and the true Rosicrucian movement will have the opportunity to download the message of the Divine Matrix. Our language - as Humans - is changing. Our definitions and words are changing. We are all experiencing the transformation of the Human race and its communication - structure and understanding. All “things” are becoming revealed under their “new understanding”. New words, new definitions, new knowledge, transformation. We must awake in this transformative time so that we can consciously transmute the energy into that which we wish to create.

As Christian Rosicrucians we do not wish to dissect all of the sciences “perfectly”. We only wish to participate in that which it is that the collective world-consciousness is trying to understand. To bring a better universal understanding, creating the universal language for our time in our space. We are learning to think more collectively – this is key to our universal survival.

The Artificial Intelligence shall now produce the Singularity in its “collective guidance” of subject information. However, this universe is a bit too large and complex for a Human device to be 100 percent accurate. We have warned about too much reliance on such a device when it comes to Human instinct – a pattern which is unpredictable in its activation. As Rosicrucians this new A.I. situation was one of the points which moved us to come forth at this time in the Laodicean Epoch. How will we integrate?

As Christians we cannot help but want to participate in such a Great Work as this. Our Christianity must mature, we must remain teachable. We ultimately answer to no person but we answer to the Almighty God. He has given us His word and we must remain in that word. To whom much is given, much shall be held accountable. God continues to speak to us today. We experience God’s providence throughout all the dispensations of time. It is time for humility.

God has allowed His saints to travel up “Jacob’s ladder” and see the expanse of space. We must now learn to talk openly about things we once thought unbearable. Religion, science, government, medicine, education, all these are blending into a New Understanding. This New Understanding will involve the acceptance of a “new life form” revelation. It will also involve “new comprehensions” from Divine Intelligencefrom God.

In one sense, it will not be us “looking into ourselves” that brings it all together, it will be us “looking out” into all those things that we once thought we understood. We are learning nothing at first, it’s all a shuffle mess, this will prepare us to learn as we “slow down” again and behold the “new nucleus”. Right now, we say, “the Egg is Red”.

Continue your intuitive awakening with us here – read & watch.

Eric William King (February 24th 2025)

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Note: The acronym AACM means: “Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysticism”. 

The acronym AAMC, which is also used sometimes, means: “Ancient Antiochene Mystic Christian”.

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