Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"A View of the First Earth." ~ Rosicrucian


A View of the First Earth

By Presbyter, Eric William King

~January 27th 2025~

The First Earth was developed to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18). For millions of years the Seraphic host lead by Lucifer was in charge of Earth’s progression. Earth was placed in a specific space-time continuum. Its size, tilt, chemistry, etc. was all chosen and set in place by Divine Intelligence. Pre-human “humans”, human type beings, roamed this planet long ago. Homes were built, and buildings of Great Stone. Many of these buildings were constructed with the help of the Angels who had physical bodies.

These were very powerful beings. The “creation” understood them as the “hand of God”, and as “God Himself”. These angels became known as “the Elohim” [‘the gods’]. The title “Elohim” actually and truly only belongs to YHVH, the One True God. Our first Earth continued for millions of years under the guidance and direction of these “watchers”. Eventually a “war in heaven” broke out between good angels and bad angels. This led to a great battle in the skies.

Those who could write and communicate during these times started to record what had happened. Eventually the great war ended when Lucifer and those who followed him were cast out of the higher heavens, including the Third Heaven, and cast to the lowest heavens – Earth’s atmosphere and Outer-space. Earth then became “without form and void” and “darkness” covered its entire surface. The entire Pleroma was now taken over by sin.

Our entire creation was now basically “dead” to God. Satan became “the god of this world”. He still thinks that he is in control of this great mess that he made. He is in eternal denial. Only one who could “pass through the heavens”, down into our reality, and connect us back to our Heavenly Father – this would be the One who could save us. Jesus Christ is the ONE who accomplished this task. Jesus is the second person of deity and is in fact also the Creator of our planet and all that the Pleroma contains.

True Born-Again children of God are awakening to the fact that we are all in the Fallen Matrix. We [Christians] have been delivered from this Fallen Matrix (though we live in this world, we are not a part of this world) because of our faith-connection and sealing of the Holy Spirit. There is now no condemnation [program corruption] for those of us in Christ Jesus. This is in fact the Good News the correct program.

These teachings were controlled early on by groups which became known as the “Gnostics”. They were like the “New Age” group of their time. They unfortunately mixed error with Truth. The core of all their errors is the idea that they need no savior, that they “earn” their own ascension, without forgiveness from God or that forgiveness is somehow earned. They were good “salesmen” and earned a living through their false doctrines. Apostle Paul along with our early Fathers (of the “Ancient Antiochene Church of God”) warned about these false teachers. Many of them teach the false doctrine of reincarnation and “atheistic oneness”.

These false teachings actually started by those who knew the Truth, the truth about the Great Rebellion and what actually happened, but decided to try and hide it. Many early records and writings were destroyed by these “Black Magicians”. Most of them were Kenites. There is a “spiritual war” going on down here, on planet Earth. If you watch the news, you can see the reality of it. Today these same false teachers are promoting Godless Evolution instead of True Creation.

Jesus built His church and the true teachings of Christianity are found in His True Church. The teachings are protected by the Holy Angels of God. Apostle Paul and all the saints have been handed down mysteries, revealed by the Holy Spirit. St. Paul says;

“Let a man regard us (Apostles) in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” ~ 1st Corinthians 4:1

So, we have begun in previous lectures and other articles here to understand what we call the “First Earth”. This is a review to help understand the depth of planet Earth’s true story. In recent years many people have found the investigation of once controversial subjects to now be open for discussion. People are looking for something, a spiritual “missing link”.

When the Christian begins to realize his or her true freedom in Christ – the missing link is found.

As you read of knowledge that sounds strange or weird, let God guide you - only if you want the Truth. God’s “natural laws” must no longer be shunned by the Church of Laodicea. Laodicea must listen, pay attention…answer the knock on the door. Jesus has so much more to show and tell us if we but let Him.

Let us get back to discussing the First Earth…

Those of you who have studied our articles about “The First Earth” realize that Adam and Eve were not the first humans on planet Earth. You also realize that Adam and Eve were protected and placed within a special environment before the Edenic Experiment failed. After that, they had to leave the garden and venture out to the people that had been created on the “sixth day” or “sixth creation age” [these include all of today’s modern races of humans – from six original mothers, Eve being the seventh.]

We also must realize that the “6th day” people had already begun some integration with the surviving human-types from the “first earth”, those that survived the Luciferian rebellion, even mating with such as the Neanderthal, the Denisovan, and the Nodites. Some of these offspring produced giants. Those human-types who had survived the “first earth” had stronger physical powers than the “sixth day” people and had Celestial Angelic knowledge which had been given to them – knowledge regarding many things including masonry [architecture/building], astrology and mathematics.

However, some from the First Earth were extremely short people. God loves diversity. All shapes and sizes had their perfections.

So, I invite you to study your Bible with us here often. Continue to see and understanding the intriguing, once hidden knowledge, almost lost…but not forgotten.

May we remain bowed in awe at the enormousness of our Almighty God YHVH as we realize our privilege to be born in this Six Dispensation.

What ever happens, remember…our God is LOVE.

Eric William King (January 27th 2025)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Note: Ultimately the universe cannot be explained with mere Human pithy constructions. It is the Cosmic Law of everything that must be recognized before it can be properly utilized. Though man is simple and mortal, he can still use his gifted imagination and envision greater realities. It is through good faith in mans ideas that he tests things and discovers new truths. This is how Christian Rosicrucians grow and learn.

Certainly, it is heaven on Earth to have

One’s mind move in charity, rest in providence, 

and turn upon the poles of Truth.”

~ Francis Bacon

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