Note: Christian Rosicrucians recognize
triodities in everything. They encompass all true reality and absolute
actuality. This simple law of the triangle is foundational to understanding
our Triune God and learning to see Divine Intelligence in everything. Its
geometry contains the secret of unity in formation.
Threefold Progression
Ethereal, Elemental
By Presbyter, Eric
William King
January 24th
Here we
will learn about Fluddian Rosicrucianism
as it has progressed and is understood today within the original
Christian Rosicrucian Family – Those who have studied with us here know about
the Seven Heavens and now I would
like to reveal to you how they fit into Fluddian Cosmology.
Planet Earth’s
atmosphere, the air we breathe, is the First Heaven. The Second Heaven is
outer-space and the entire universe. The Third Heaven is what most people think
of when they may think of “Heaven” – it is a “spiritual” realm. There is a
massive “wall” or “large Light Realm” between the second and third heaven.
Note: These are
interdimensional realms we are referring to.
Rosicrucians we call this Light realm the “Empyrean
Sphere”. Sometimes this sphere (aka “circle”) is considered a
portion of Paradise, but really, it is the wall which separates the Second
Heaven (outer-space) from spiritual Paradise (the Third Heaven). This is also
known as “the fiery realm” because of its great Light. Celestial Angels
travel in this Light and through this Light.
This is a realm
between the Second and Third Heaven. The Light here is not a physical light as
we would understand it. It is made of a different substance – it is of the
higher vibrational dimensions.
This empyrean
realm actually divides into three parts – highest, middle, and lower parts. We have
other papers regarding these details. These divisions comprise the hierarchy of
special angels (Celestial Entities).
All of the
Light contained in the Empyrean is reflected Light. It is a “mirror
image” of the Greater Light which is entering the Created Realms through the Sea of Glass. The Empyrean Sphere connects
Light from the Eternal Spheres (Heavens) to the Created Spheres (First Four
Heavens). Things become “reflected” through this Great Light sphere and into
the Pleroma – the Created Reality.
under the Sea of Glass is the created realm. The Pleroma contains all of
creation, the first Four Heavens – everything under the “Sea of Glass”. God’s uncreated energies
work in and throughout the Pleroma. Paradise is actually the last
“created heaven” before one cross’ the Sea of Glass and into the Eternal
uncreated Light of the Spirit is reflected in the empyrean. This light seeps through into our
reality as created light. One of the paradoxes is knowledge of the fact that
this light travels through the 40 dimensions and into the first and second
heaven (planet atmospheres and outer space) through literal stars – like our
Sun. In this sense, our own Sun is a connection to the empyrean realm.
Interdimensional Celestial Angels travel through this Light.
Even God’s
vital forces surge through the light of all the stars and into this dense
material reality of ours. Watch as the leaves of a plant search out the light
of the Sun for life, warmth, food, air, water – atmosphere (heaven). The trees
reach up towards this Great Life Giver.
We could say
that our Sun holds the balance for our planet in many ways. Even “spiritually”
it is the midpoint where “spirit” and matter come together in equity. Power
radiates from our Sun to the lower realms of our planet to give us all Life. The
Sun is the brightest thing that Humans can look upon and it is a symbol of the Supreme Deity –
God. Like the heart of the Human body,
it is the center of our solar system and of our “Life Reality”.
We read
in our Rosicrucian Christian “Fama Fraternitatis”:
“…Seeing the only wise and merciful God in
these last days hath poured out so richly his mercy and goodness to mankind,
whereby we do attain more and more to the perfect knowledge of his Son Jesus
Christ and Nature, that justly we may boast of the happy time,
wherein there is not only discovered unto us the half part of the world, which
was therefore unknown and hidden, but he hath also made manifest unto us many
wonderful, and never heretofore seen, works and creatures of Nature, and
moreover hath raised men, imbued with great wisdom, who might partly renew and
reduce all arts (in this our age spotted and imperfect) to perfection; so that
finally man might thereby understand his own nobleness and worth, and why he is
called Microcosmos, and how far his knowledge extendeth into Nature.” – May the vats of Truth now Open and
Pour. Amen
Nature that we draw closer to, is the daughter of Sophia.
Nature to us is understood as the “daughter of the Holy Spirit” - over ALL CREATION. The Laodicean Church is being offered
enlightenment now and the true understanding of this Nature – in this year of
our LORD, 2025. It is time for the
Church to reach deep into the Book of Wisdom.
This brings us
all “down to Earth” – “Mother Nature”. The next realm we can see is the Ethereal Sphere. This sphere envelops all of
creation in the first two heavens, Earth’s atmosphere and Outer space – our Universe.
It is said that there might be a “lesser” ethereal substance in the Third
Heaven – but it is really unknown. Within this ‘substance’ are beings
such as “good” and bad “angels”, the Nephilim, and others we have revealed, and
all of the planets and stars and space debris floats in this Ether. We walk and
talk and swim in it. Some of the entities that reside in the etheric realm the Bible
calls “the principalities and powers of the air.”
Finally, we get
to the Elemental Sphere (Realm). This
is our atomic reality, our dense material world. Humans, animals,
plants, trees, minerals, chemicals, wonders of biology, etc. – our world of
objectivity. We must understand that God’s LIGHT is shinning through all spheres
of reality and through all dimensions of space and time and even beyond – even
shinning right into and through down into our reality. It holds all things
together. Everything that we perceive with our senses is a reflection of
greater realities, containing THE REALITY.
Right now, all
Humans live here, in the Sublunary
world. Christian Rosicrucians are connected to the higher realms by the Holy
Spirit. We have not only terrestrial experiential knowledge, but celestial
also. Rosicrucians gain important experiential knowledge through their
techniques, some of which are offered through this, our ministry.
What have we, Rosicrucians,
been allowed to see?
Invisible archetypes
made of incorporeal substance make Divine Images
which become structured realities in our sphere of reality. We are experiencing
a space-time dimension, we witness change, movement, speed, objectivity, thus
we have time. We are all actually living in the past – part of our Mind is in
the actual NOW. From that “now” we get the leftovers, thus we witness the past.
We are in a Fallen Matrix.
All Humans
live in the Fallen Matrix.
This is the first and second heavens [Earth’s atmosphere & Outer-space].
These realms and all that is in them are infected with sin. Permeating all of heavens space is super-material.
It is in this that God is everywhere present and in control through His uncreated energies. As Humans we do not have
the faculties needed to properly perceive the heaven worlds and the 40
dimensions [though they are gifted to us through faith]. Modern science is learning more about such dimensions.
There may even be more than 40 dimensions but we believe in at least 40. We
live in a huge universe which contains spaces within spaces.
All of us are a
part of God’s cosmic creation, the great stream of life. As
Humans our awareness is limited by our sense faculties. Our perception gets
cluttered with confusing mind symbols and ideas. We must have a tabula rasa
(clean slate) to start over. The proper programing is needed. The Divine Intelligence “download” from the Word
of God must occur in the mind of the one who wishes to be saved. The “mind
knots” must be untied to see clearly.
All of these
energies bleed into each other through the Music
of the Spheres. Robert Fludd reveals that the heights of the
empyrean realm are made of pure light, virtually free from what we call
“material”. Like the string of an old Monochord
all is connected to Divine Intelligence. The notes played on this string
determine what is manifested in the created world. Light bleeds into the denser
darkness – creating shades of color which get darker as it proceeds into the
depth of the created reality.
The regions in
between the dark and light partake of differing qualities of shape and form.
Like multiple triangles or pyramids fitting together “within each” other like a
comb. The male, generative nature and the female receptive brings us the “seed
of Life.” There is no empty space in these connections. We witness the Stars
and the Sun itself helping to bring complete and perfect balance.
I hope that this
information has not overwhelmed the true seeker.
By God’s grace,
we will continue to learn more about His wonderful and magnificent Creation.
So Mote It Be.
Eric William King
(January 25th 2025)
“Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer
of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery.” ~ Daniel 2:47

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