A Glimpse at Antiochene Alchemy
Hermes Trismegistus, Rosicrucians & Christians
By Presbyter Eric W. King
~January 22nd, 2025
Who was Hermes Trismegistus? To
the Greeks he was the “Messenger of the God’s.” The Roman Church knows
him as, Mercurius. His title, “Trismegistus” means “the Thrice Great”.
Our Ancient Antiochene Records show us that the God “Hermes” was associated
with Divine
Intelligence similar to Plato’s idea of the “Logos”, the Word of God.
It was the belief for some that Hermes invented language and knew how to properly interpret anything. The study of correct Biblical theology became known as the study of "hermeneutics".
The Hermetic scientists became known as those who
understood and could manipulate the “material world”. We as Christian
Rosicrucians refer to our life on planet Earth as living in the “Sublunary World”. To
have control of one’s environment was a sort of “magic”.
Later, in pre-Christian times both ancient Enoch and Hermes became
connected with the idea of “those who understood the secrets of the material
world." This connected them with “magic”, or the ability to make
things happen through a divine science. The Egyptian God, Thoth became
one and the same person to the Mystic Greeks. These “gods” had the secrets of “spiritual alchemy”, the
power of self-transformation.
“Exoteric”, or practical alchemy was the attempted
chemistry of trying to create gold by mixing the right metals and
“stuff” – the prima materia. "Esoteric" alchemy was the transmutation of
the Human soul into precious-spiritual-perfection – a mystical or
philosophical alchemy.
Thus, those who practiced “spiritual alchemy” became
known as students of the Hermetic Sciences, aka Hermeticism . In the 1800’s and forward this became an
important subject in occultism. Each person coming up with his or her own form
of Hermetical conjurations and rituals. The Rosicrucians wanted
to talk openly about these issues without being judged or condemned by the rest
of the Church. Much of what we call “science” today was called back then a lot of
superstitious "occultism's".
Rosicrucians wanted to test things by God’s “natural
laws”. The Rosicrucians (the original Rosicrucians) were Lutheran Protestant
Christian Mystics. Many of the topics back then would have
seemed completely necessary to look into so that some form of understanding
might be gained. It is important to understand that these types of subjects
and interests have helped to develop science and medical advancements.
As true Christians we must learn to see and
understand things from a much broader perspective than we have been taught to.
God has been so patient with Humanity since day one. We all need to learn to
become patient with God. It is time for Christians to address many new topics
that have arisen in the Church regarding virtually ALL SUBJECTS. God has always
sent those who are becoming the “Rose Cross” into global situations for
enlightenment that they may need for that time. The time has come.
UFO’s, Artificial Intelligence, gender squabbles,
education problems, governments feeling the “blade of division”, and the
list goes on. “The Rosicrucian Conformational Proclamation – 2025” at
one-point reads;
“Many different governments are experiencing the blade of
division. Older leaders still clinging to animalistic tyranny. When America’s
two-party system becomes polarized to the extent of its imminent destruction,
it is time to see just what is causing that polarization. America’s actions
create waves throughout the Earth. Humans have reached a clash of World Views.
It is the enemies of freedom, freedom of belief, who have controlled the
information machines. They have brainwashed people into making the political
parties into actual religions. Hence, the recipe for destruction.”
It is my hope that Christians begin to truly search deep
within themselves, be honest with God, review what they truly believe in and
accept God’s challenge. It is time for us to mature – stop the dilly dally.
Please stay with us here as we begin to grow. We pray for
the Golden
Age enlightenment.
Eric William King (January 22nd 2025)
Rosicrucian Alchemical Formula for 2025
AAMC Helping with hope for the Golden
must be prepared to learn the knowledge that is now coming forth to help in the
Hopes of a Golden Age before the return of Christ - as God calls in the last of
His elect. Here is what needs to happen in the ongoing Alchemy:
1-Reduce the
arbitrary beliefs.
2-Arive at a
ubiquitous level of Truth that all can agree and believe on.
religious dogmas and sift with Cosmic Law.
Humanity as a whole, practice collective reasoning.
5-Stay away
from the word “hate”.
strong theological redirection which focusses on contemporary issues and
7-Return to
Human morality, dignity, and respect.
8-Humans must
learn to more intelligently transmute energy through proper motivational force.
9-Humans must
learn more about how to direct their personal emotions by conscious awareness
and better understanding.
10-Begin to
more fully understand that Spirit speaks through the subconscious mind to our
subjective reasoning and from there manifests in the objective world.
These ten bits
of knowledge comprise “The 2025 Alchemical
Formula”. True Christians should take notice, study, and apply these
steps to help with Christian maturity on a personal and collective level. It is
my hope that you continue to fellowship with us here and practice and share
what you learn.
So Mote It Be,
Eric Willaim
King (January 21st 2025)
More Ancient Antiochene Christian Mysteries
*Antiochene First Earth Information
*Message for those going through hard times
*Robert Fludd and Ancient Antiochene Mysticism
*Introduction to the Seven Heavens
*Greek & Hebrew Thought in Scripture
*Christian Antiochene Facts Revealed
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