Saturday, January 18, 2025

"ILuminosity Aphorism." ~ Antiochene Mysteries


ILuminosity Aphorisms

The true student of ILuminosity will take these aphorisms and meditate on them. Write down the first emotion or feeling, note what Bible verse comes to mind or “Christian thought”. How would you as a Christian understand it?

*Note: These Aphorisms have been personally given to Eric William King throughout his years of study (first portion). Being shared here for the first time with fellow ILuminosites on April 22nd 2024. 

1A.) Everything is eating itself.

2B.) Space is nonexistent.

3C.) Experiences are constantly expanding.

4D.) Environment moves through time in material existence.

5E.) Action and reaction are the constant experience of the vibratory field of existence.

6F.) Prepare your environment. Keep the soil rich.

7G.) Store up good memories. Visit them often. May you smile more frequently.

8H.) You cannot run from your problems because wherever you go – YOU are there.

9I.) An ILuminosite is a stable person in motion.

10J.) Environment is the playground of life.

11K.) When two realities agree, attraction and communication begin.

12L.) We have been awake and asleep and alert since our conception.

13M.) What we think and what we don’t think doesn’t mean it’s not there.

14N.) Sometimes, let silence speak for you.

15O.) Deep down inside of our spirit, we feel and know the reality of our God.

16P.) One thing Truth is. It is never afraid of questions.

17Q.) Honesty doesn’t tell you what to do, it tells you what you’ve done.

By Eric W. King (Originally discussed April 23rd 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.


NOTE: We wish that all Christians keep growing in self-awareness to their relationship with Divine Intelligence. Make God’s ways the highest priority of your life and rest in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. One must not be in direct contact with us here to belong.

We have Christians now all over who worship in numerous Protestant denominations. Join us, the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. Please, there are no fines, fees, or forms to fill out and it costs nothing to become a true Christian. If you are baptized and believe, we accept you - fellow brother and sister. Simply study online here and share with others what you learn here. Be a careful missionary.

We have truly been set free in our Lord, Jesus the Christ.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (Invitation to all given, September 2nd 2024)

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