Ancient Antiochene Mysticism
Practices and studies by E.W. King
"ILuminosity of True Christianity"
By Presbyter, Eric William King
Today the fad is; eat right, drink right, exercise right, meditate on nothing, worship nature as God and you are on the right path. What is this? Selfishness!
To take care of your physical selves is great, and something that we all should do but we cannot do that correctly if we are not in a right relationship with the true God, it is our spiritual REALITY that must be correct first. Today people are more “into themselves”, as if the world revolved around them alone. Today people talk about "setting boundaries for themselves" which in today’s world means that, "If you do not agree with my philosophy and ideology, I can't stand to be around you." What is this but self-righteousness and selfishness. This is not the CHRISTIAN WAY.
With these studies, in "ILuminosity of True Christianity" I hope to awaken you to the REALITY that God wants His people to live in. Let us consider aspects of our predicament:
“All our troublesome passions spring from the core passion to make our present lives better: distorted appetites for food or sex, bizarre urges that overwhelm us at the least convenient times, consuming desires to like ourselves better, a frantic determination to succeed personally or professionally, and insistence that spiritual victory translate into comfortable life that no tragedy or tension can disrupt, a lust for revenge against those who have hurt us. We are passionately determined to make our lives less painful, and we will do whatever it takes to reach this goal in a disappointing, sometimes pleasurable, and maddeningly uncertain world.” ~ Dr. Larry Crabb
“…counseling/psychotherapy (psychology) no longer stands as the science of behavior, but as the guardian of the soul, the maker of value, the determiner of morality, the definer of freedom. That which began as a true science of behavior has degenerated into a neo-religious cult. In place of God is man. In the place of the priest (minister) is the psychologist. In the place of the Word (God’s Word) is psychotherapy. In place of confession/forgiveness is the interpretation (or one of its many equivalents). Counseling/psychotherapy (psychology) emerges as the practical twentieth-century religion. Here the deception of neutrality is revealed.” ~ Richard Granz
Wow! So, what is the true answer to these and many other issues? My hope is that you watch and listen to all of my lectures (ILuminosity of True Christianity). Book mark our blog-site (The Shepherds Way – Eric King) and study your Bible with us here. I wish nothing but the best for you in your Christian life with Jesus the Christ.
May you find that you have all you need in the person of Jesus Christ.
~Brother in Jesus Christ, Eric William King (March 3rd 2024)
A Christian Decree to mediation with:
I am created a child of God,
Born anew from above.
I rejoice in God’s perfect Love.
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ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part One
ILuminosity of True Christianity
More Thoughts to ponder for Part One
"Man's historical existence has been shewn to involve him in a bondage from which he cannot escape by his own efforts. His existence is in contradiction with his true destiny, which is a life lived in the love and fellowship of God. By his original decision, man sets himself over against God and opens up an abyss between his own sinful state and the divine holiness. He centers his life in himself or loses himself in the forces of nature. His pride becomes demonic or sensuality holds him in its grip." ~ Eric C. Rust
“We Christians cannot talk about loving God until we come to grips with our own raging passion for ourselves. We can not and will not love anyone but ourselves until we meet God in a way that stirs us to race after Him with single-minded intensity, until our deepest desire is to get to know Him better.”
“And that’s our problem. In a culture so thoroughly devoted to life now, and in a church drenched with teaching on self-improvement and building happier lives, we can’t easily develop a passion for something other than our immediate satisfaction. The historic church, in its role as embassy of a foreign kingdom, taught that the chief end of people is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever; the modern church too often teaches that the chief end of God is to gratify people.”
“We must return to our earlier understanding that personal fulfillment is not the highest value, that the well-being of any individual matters less than the glory of God, and that we will find ourselves only when we look for God first.” ~ Dr. Larry Crabb
"If Christlikeness is developing (it will never be perfectly or fully developed in this life), if your life is given to soul-winning [words & examples] service, and if praise, worship, thanksgiving and submissiveness [to Divine Intelligence] are in your heart and actions, then the Spirit is in control. You need not look for some startling manifestation of Spirit-filling, nor need you plead for some ecstatic experience. Yield control to God; keep it there, and use all the powers available to develop the biblical characteristics of the Spirit-filled life." ~ Charles C. Ryrie
“Our moral impotency does not take away our individual responsibility of sin. God commands all to believe in Him and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This is utterly impossible without the act of God interceding in our “spiritually dead” lives to save us. Thus, our act of choosing Him proves that He made the first move…not us. Our salvation comes through hearing the Word and the Holy Spirit revealing the truth of the gospel unto us minus anything we have within ourselves. Only the quickening grace of Jesus Christ can truly awaken a lost soul unto salvation...minus our human will. (Romans 8:30) “
*Being “spiritually dead” does not mean that you are not spiritual – it simply means you are “dead” to the True God because you’re ignoring a true relationship with Him.
“Today many believe that if they eat right, exercise right, meditate and practice what many now call, “speech control” [Such as not responding to certain statements others are saying while talking to them – thus ignoring what they refer to as “points of contact”]. All of these types of “psychology” give them a sense of importance/control while ignoring their own sinful thoughts and actions is certainly not reality. Deviate manipulations of others are not Christian, they are evil.”
“A person can do many good things and be a “good person” but it does nothing to take sin away. Only a perfect God can properly deal with personal sin. Jesus the Christ has given the “Good News” about these and many other reality issues. Keep your Bible’s with you at all times and continue to study with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.
~Eric William King (March 29th 2024)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Three
As Christians we should use the time that we have left praying and doing the end-time work of God. Most of the church has fallen into the Laodicean state. Prior to the coming Great Tribulation we are to become mature in our faith and understand pure Christian doctrine. In the parable of the “Five Virgins” Christ warns His followers to “be ready”, be ready? Be ready for what? Many Christians think, “Well I am saved and God is in control, why do I have to be ready?”
Because iniquity abounds the love of many is waxing cold. Today many are caught up on the idea of “What do I get out of it?” Or “What’s in it for me?” Sadly many live by the motto, “as long as you are happy that is all that matters.” Some of the greatest tyrants were happy with what they were doing but that most certainly didn’t make it right.
Some Christians have sought out fallen human psychology, being told things like, “you need to get in touch with your anger” or “you need to get in touch with your inner peace”. You see, they are being taught to find everything that they need from within their “self”. As Christians we are not here to please ourselves but to please God. A divorced Christian explained that his counselor informed him not to worry about what his wife or children thought but instead to simply do what he wanted, and then he would find his inner “self-peace”.
So he divorced his wife and to this day stopped talking to his children. Is this what the Christian God wants for the family? No. Being a true Christian takes growing pains. Everybody wants true peace without pain…or relationship without pain. Well, we live in a world full of sin and true love takes unselfish work that sometimes involves pain. As Christians we find our true joy in serving God first and others second.
The fallen world is no longer teaching such love. Now everything is about the “self” and finding the true “inner-self”, forget about your Creator. Many say things like; “Well I am glad that ‘Christianity’ works for you but as for me, I don’t like to be told that I have anything wrong with me.”
Selfishness shall abound in the last days. God warned His true followers to beware of pride and selfish choices. The Laodicean church thinks it has “all that it needs”, its motto has become; “I have need of nothing.” Yet, this fallen church chases after the things of the world.
Satan’s number one target is the Christian family. He does all that he can to trap people with false psychology and whatever the new found “scientific” knowledge is. He is a liar and all who follow him are bound for Hell. Many admit that heaven is a real place but have decided that hell is make-believe. So sad that many must learn the hard way.
We have a choice; God isn’t forcing anything on us. We have to decide who is right. Is God right and man wrong? Many have decided that most humans are smarter than God. This world is in great trouble. Jesus said that not everybody will be going to heaven. Why? Because they placed their time in pleasing the “self” and taking care of the “self”, they had no room or time for God.
My hope is that if you have read this that you begin to make time for God. Begin to read His word and study here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. God has room for you.
Remaining always in God’s Word,
Eric William King (Originally posted August 15th 2020)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Four
Above: Eric explains in minutes the filters of Human perception.
Thoughts for Part Four
What is God?
According to the Bible God is definitely a “person”, He has personality. To us God is invisible yet discerned spiritually and comprehended as a person. God makes promises through His word and then keeps them. We serve a covenantial God. The Bible describes God using human language so that we can grasp His reality. The Bible describes God like a “Rock”, “a fortress”, “a consuming fire”, etc.
God is also a “Family”. God is ONE GOD yet manifested in THREE PERSONS. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ we are invited to become legitimate children of God and thus a member of the God Family.
God calls us into a family relationship with Him. In this life we will never fully understand our Heavenly Father but we are promised that as we grow in our faith and ultimately when we receive our glorified bodies we will have a much greater understanding than we do now (1st Corinthians 13:12).
When we look at Jesus Christ, listen to Jesus Christ, obey and love Jesus Christ we have most certainly met God. Jesus Christ is God manifest for us in “the flesh”.
It is my hope that you begin to study with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” and become a true child of God. God’s word is uplifted here above all else (Sola Scriptura).
Resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ - my Lord, God & Savior.
Eric William King (Originally posted September 2nd 2020)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Five
Above: Here in part five the proper motive of God's word is given.
Thoughts for Part Five
Learning About Ourselves
By Eric William King (June 1st 2024)
Those who are studying here at "The Shepherds Way" and "Nugget of Truth" are beginning to grasp the depth of their Christian faith. Jesus promised that we would drink from the water that He gives us and never thirst again [John 4:14]. This is so true. Praise God!
In our Christian studies, we have learned about our Human basic instincts and that the Human will tries to control these instincts. Because the Human will is distorted, due to the fallen Human nature, it is difficult to control Human behavior, our own behavior let alone another’s. We deal with desires which stem from our basic survival instincts every day.
These instincts are basic to our Human welfare and they are God-given. The problem is that most people are trying to use self-will, instead of Divine Intelligence will, to control them. We could list some of these main instincts as such;
1-Family Relation (which involves the use of sex)
2-Material Relation
3-Emotional Relation
4-Companion - Friendship Relation
(Visit original post at: Learning About Ourselves)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Six
Above: E.W.King explains the Human will vs. God's will and the four instincts.
Thoughts for Part Six
Christian Faith Everyday
We need to all stop thinking constantly about ourselves. All of the people of this world are greedy, materialistic, and addicted to someone or something that is not good for them. This is just the fact of the Human condition. Jesus Christ completely understands our dilemma and became Human to see, feel, touch and forgive. He brought true healing for the core of who we are, we are spiritual beings.
When a person truly accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord, God, and Savior one is granted a new state of consciousness. One gains a relationship with Divine Intelligence through the Living Word of Life – Jesus the Christ. As a Christian you begin to grow, never reaching perfection but allowing yourself to remain in constant and honest contact with the one who created you and loves you – God. It is God who does the changing, it is God who does the saving and healing. All He asks of us is to trust and obey – to believe. Our belief in God itself is a gift from the indwelling Holy Spirit – the Comforter.
Little by little we begin to grow into a spiritual maturity. This is a life process and all Human emotions are involved. In ending these thoughts, I challenge you to simply believe in Him and trust in Him. Simply accept God’s timetable. Let Him work in your life and you will begin to truly understand just how wonderful our God is.
Resting in Him always,
Eric William King (May 2024) - Read: Christian Faith Every Day
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Seven
Above: E.W.King explains the focus factor. Learn the proper reference point.
Thoughts for Part Seven - Jesus is our Compass
In this fallen world (with evil and sin) we can easily lose “balance” without the proper compass. We are not to be deceived by material things. (Philippians 3:19; Romans 8:5-7) To us Christians Jesus Christ is our guide and compass, not our fallen human natures. (Proverbs 3:5-6; John 16:13-15) We have learned not to put trust in our sinful-self but instead to surrender to the “mind of Christ” within. (Colossians 3:2) This isn’t always easy but we grow through the process.
The Bible tells us that “God can be seen in the things of creation.” (Romans 1:20) There are laws, natural laws in our cosmos that must be respected. As Christians we understand that even the physical laws have become distorted because of sin, things don’t always work the way that they were originally intended to. (Romans 8:21-22) So God’s word instructs us to stay balanced in diet, health, rest, relationship with others and to maintain equilibrium of facts. This all happens through how we think and act. (Philippians 4:8)
As Christians we also understand that our psyche (soul) must be fed proper things. We “eat” from the Word of God daily. We pray to Heavenly Father and maintain an honest relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We should not disturb the conscience of others purposely. Some people are vegetarians, many Christians are vegetarians yet it is not a sin to eat meat moderately. We should never impose food laws or try and force some “food law” on another, the Bible states that all food is good that God has blessed. (Romans 14:1-4; 1st Timothy 4:3-5)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Eight
Jesus is our Compass
"In this fallen world (with evil and sin) we can easily lose “balance” without the proper compass. We are not to be deceived by material things. (Philippians 3:19; Romans 8:5-7) To us Christians Jesus Christ is our guide and compass, not our fallen human natures. (Proverbs 3:5-6; John 16:13-15) We have learned not to put trust in our sinful-self but instead to surrender to the “mind of Christ” within. (Colossians 3:2) This isn’t always easy but we grow through the process." ~ Eric W. King (Read entire article: Christian Harmony in a Fallen World)
ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part Nine
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