Saturday, February 15, 2025

Relationship with Divine Intelligence ~ Rosicrucian, AACM

Relationship with Divine Intelligence

By Eric William King (Founder of "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth")

So, you have a problem? Welcome to humanity. Many offer advice for problems such as; take a walk, run, change your diet, work harder, etc. etc. The fact is all of us have tried these and many different things to conquer our issues. As for those of us who have discovered the true God through the "gospel of Jesus Christ" we can speak from experience.

Even as true Christians we still struggle, but a major change has occurred. This change has to do with a new relationship, a relationship to the Living God [Divine Intelligence]. The first step to this awesome change is to hear the gospel, study the Word of God and get into fellowship with a "born again" believer.

Today we find those who thought that they were once Christians. Something happened, they turned away. Many are experiencing anger towards God. God gave us all a mind and a spirit and we are responsible for these precious gifts. Anger destroys the gifts that God has given to us. Today, people are being taught to be self-reliant, to control themselves in all that they do and accomplish. The idea of "sin" is being personally interpreted.

By ignoring the reality of sin, we can make our own rules. However, this does not lead to true peace and happiness. Why? Because Divine Intelligence [God], has determined His terms, His rules, His laws, we are just here experiencing the reality of it all. Acknowledging the reality of God is the first step to knowing and experiencing a better life in all that you are and in all that you do.

It is easy for us all to find the faults of others, fault-finding is a narcissistic practice. We listen to some people and they tell us about how great they and their family are doing then they go on to speak about all the troubles of those in their own families. Self-pity is the tool to their game.

As Christians we must be harder on ourselves before we look to point out the faults of others. There is no greater triumph than feeling good about yourself but that comes by first recognizing your human situation, you are a sinner in need of forgiveness and reconciliation with God first, then your fellow human-being.

If you are not yet a true Christian, I invite you to book-mark this site and begin to study your Bible with us. We tackle deep Biblical issues and offer answers from God's word to all the issues this planet is currently facing. I plead with you to not give in or give up but instead, pick up your Bible, open its pages. Pray to God, tell Him what’s on your mind. Stay in the company of fellow believers.

Stay with us here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth".

May you experience the love of Jesus Christ today and every day.

By Eric William King (May 24th 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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