Friday, February 14, 2025

True Rosicrucians accept the Incarnation ~ AACM

Ancient Antiochene


Part Eight

“Exposing the Fallen Gnostics.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 10th 2024)


We have talked about the ancient Gnostics. They believed that people earned their way to and  through the Heavens by merit. They taught a false list of the Heavens - they should instead be called "levels of Hell". They distorted the true Gnosis (knowledge of God) and replaced it with Luciferian doctrine. The true Church of God cannot and will not be destroyed. We are to expose the heretical teachings of the Fallen Church.

St Irenaeus properly defines the true Aeons and exposes the false use of terms. St Irenaeus exposed the false teachers such as Ptolemy and Colorbasus.

Our salvation is a free Gift from God through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Ancient Antiochene Mysteries unveil the True Faith Once Delivered (Jude 3). We understand the true Heavens of God and that Jesus the Christ passed through the Heavens for us. “Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14)

Our salvation is a free gift.

The Bible teaches that all humans have inherited sin from our first parents. Birth into the human race is birth into distortion [a distorted or Fallen Matrix] with proclivity to behave badly and ignore God (Psalm 51:5: Romans 5:12-21). Thus, the existential situation of humanities sinfulness is “original”. One must hear the message of the true Gospel in order to come to Jesus Christ. Also, the Holy Spirit must call one unto contrition and true repentance. The Bible states that faith comes through hearing the Word of God and the call of the Holy Spirit. These are the two means through which one is called unto salvation, the Word and the Holy Spirit. 

 So here we will give the Christian understanding of the Aeons. God sits upon the Sea of Glass which resides above the Pleroma [All of Creation]. The lower Aeon’s of the Great Pleroma have inherited sin. The word Aeon can mean three different things. It can mean “a specific space of time”, “a level of Heaven” and “a group of two created beings, both male and female”. In our use of Aeon here we mean to point to the spaces preserved in Heaven. Jesus stated; “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” The Greek word here used for mansions means a “private space” or “bedroom”. God has a special place for all of His children. These rooms are in Paradise, the Third Heaven.

An Aeon can also point to where you are at in your relationship with God. The first two Heavens - Earth’s atmosphere and Outer Space, contain the Fallen Matrix. All of Fallen Humanity exists within these two Aeons. As Christians we are to “seek first” the Kingdom of God, rise above the Fallen Aeons - and Apostle Paul states that true Christians are already, positionally, “seated” in the Heavens with Christ. So, to be truly “born from above” is to be a Child of God who has escaped the lower heavens, through Jesus Christ. The fallen Aeons are exposed for what they are – the lower Heavens, containing fallen matter and sin.

Aeons as “male and female” exist in the lower Heavens. We have male and female Humans along with male and female animals on Earth. When male and female come together in relationship, we call it a true syzygy. In the Temple of God in Heaven resides pure Deity - The Father, Son, and Sophia. The Father and Sophia create the perfect syzygy through which the Eternal Only Begotten eternally exists, Jesus the Christ – the Only Begotten.

Man, Woman, and begotten Child reflect the True Image of God – proper relationship - Trinitarian.

This is the Truth. All false teachers must be exposed.

We are exposing the Fallen Gnostics.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 11th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Jesus is not a "little god" (demiurge)

Above: The Sufficiency of Jesus Christ -Here is very good information,
proper knowledge of Yeshua - Jesus Christ. Exposing some Gnostic
understandings in contrast to true Christianity. - E.W.King

NOTE: Though there are levels and dimensions in the Spiritual World, we do not "earn" our way.
All life and its lessons are gifts unto us from Divine Intelligence - God.

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