Wednesday, February 5, 2025

"Macrocosm & Microcosm" ~ AACM


Macrocosm & Microcosm

By Presbyter, Eric William King

(February 5th 2025)

A look at the Macrocosm and Microcosm: We need to develop here a basic definition of what we mean when we talk about the “Macrocosm” and the “Microcosm”. We talk a lot about the “macro” and “micro” cosmos. Understanding these phrases will help give a reference to all of our studies. As Rosicrucians we learn that we have actually developed our “own language”. We have titles, names, and words that are only really familiar with true Rosicrucianism.

Basically, the Microcosm is you, everything that makes you human, from matter to spirit. The Macrocosm is all the rest of creation including the universe itself. The center of our solar system is our Sun. This is the nucleus, the “heart” - quintessence from which we all came from. In us [the microcosm] we must find our “quintessence” – the Human center. When we find this mid-point within ourselves, we can create directly from prima-materia – the essence which creates anything and all things.

This field of study is what we (Rosicrucians) mean when we are talking about the subject of “magia– and that we understand this practice quite well. So where is God’s center? Sir Fludd might say: "God is the centre of everything whose circumference is nowhere to be found." (Craven, 65) This is a true Rosicrucian Mystery.

The Rosicrucians discovered that the Human body is a miniature universe, complete with bacteria and other living things on and in each and everyone’s bodies. By studying the big-picture [our Universe] we begin to understand how universal laws work both in the Macro and Micro worlds. The purpose of “spiritual alchemy” is to learn and understand these Natural Laws and begin to create harmony in our personal lives and make the world a better place.

The doctrine of the macro-cosm and micro-cosm dominates Hermetic literature. Clearly, the Western Mystics were spiritual alchemists. This doctrine is not “Gnostic”, but the Gnostics used a “pagan” understanding of alchemy and many of them delved into “black-magic”.

Since the stars and the Celestial Bodies steer large events in the universe, they must have some directional guidance in regards to the micro-body. It was Paracelsus that introduced the idea of man himself being a “little planet” and that there was an “astra”, smaller heavens governing him. Hence, astrology became a tool for the ancient scientist.

The Mystery of Sir Fludd’s Creation Account

In regards to the story of Creation, Sir Robert Fludd’s commentary is, to us a metaphorical mystery referring to Jesus Christ being birthed into our material world in a symbolic 6 days. The entire Creation had become dark and chaotic because of the Luciferian rebellion. When the LIGHT is brought forth it is the LIFE that appears in the darkness – it is Jesus the Christ descending down through the Seven Heavens – coming to planet Earth. Jesus brings LIGHT to this darkness. He is the LIGHT.

We also see overlaps in Fluddian understanding of the way our universe came together out of “darkness”, something Humans cannot fully understand, hence “dark” to us. We have papers to post regarding these deeper topics. It is my hope that you continue to study here and get good information in a simple manner. I truly believe that this knowledge is important for the “last day church”. It is time for Christians to truly awake. The title, “Rosicrucian” simply means “Rose Cross”. As a micro-title it means “elect of God”. It is the official and authoritative “Christian Mystic Symbol”. You do not have to be called a “Rosicrucian” to be a Christian. It is better to understand the “Rosicrucian teachings” as a topical subject of early Protestant Christianity. Most Protestants would never admit to or accept the connection, but the facts are the facts.

We are learning about a lot of stuff.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (February 5th 2025)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Note: Ultimately the universe cannot be explained with mere Human pithy constructions. It is the Cosmic Law of everything that must be recognized before it can be properly utilized. Though man is simple and mortal, he can still use his gifted imagination and envision greater realities. It is through good faith in mans ideas that he tests things and discovers new truths. This is how Christian Rosicrucians grow and learn.

*Begin to Learn About Planet Earths Early Stages

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