Rosicrucian Treasures of Truth
Foundational facts about True Rosicrucianism.
Rosicrucian's we see the triad [or pyramid] in everything. This helps
pinpoint our perspectives. It is important to slowly absorb the true
Rosicrucian understandings. Natural Law will help one arrive at a
clearer vision of REALITY.
Before the true
Christian Protestant Mystics of old took on the name Rosicrucian, they were simply known as Lutheran
Alchemists – or Hermetic Christians. They were deep thinkers, “nerds” of a
sort. They contemplated things that most people would probably not really be
interested in. They were smart, genius, creative, and Christian.
There are
differing gifts of prophecy recorded in the old ways, and in the old records. These
gifts are given while the mind is in differing states of consciousness. Many
Christian mystics of the past were able to tap into the space of mystery
and received great visions. As you continue to understand the Macrocosm [the whole of the Pleroma – created reality] then you will
better understand that there are billions of “spirit” beings, Celestial and
Terrestrial, that surround us. We inner act with these beings constantly.
It is good to
begin to understand just who some of these Celestial [Heavenly] beings are. In
our ancient records we find some of the following information out. This is not
Biblical information in the sense that it is found with detail in our Bibles,
because it is not. This is ancient esoteric
Christian knowledge which has no disagreement with Sola Scriptura in regards to all the doctrines
of the First Church.
Though it is
true that Rosicrucian teachings add much more detail than the regular revealed
doctrines of the Ancient Antiochene Church of God, they do not deny any of the
teachings of the church – instead, they strongly support and uphold
them. Today, we share some of this ancient and interesting knowledge with you.
Note: Please understand. Our conceptual drawings and charts are not completely accurate by any means. They are certainly relatively serviceable to us in understanding the basic concepts of reality. This knowledge comes intuitively and through the Subconscious human mind into the Subjective Thoughts to a completed form in our elemental world. As our expansion in consciousness proceeds, the charts will become clearer to our understanding. Christian Rosicrucian charts and drawings are to help activate the Human imagination with the truth being expressed.
Here is
how we see and understand some beings from the Angelic Realm:
Seraphim – Beings of Divine Agape Love.
Protection through the force of Divine Love.
Cherubim – Beings of Great Understanding
regarding Cosmic Law – Science, Knowledge.
Thrones – Beings of Divine Equity and Justice.
– Beings who defeat every
enemy of God – Commanders of spiritual conflict. They have power over all the
stars of our Universe.
Princes – Beings of Great Humility – teachers of
modesty and wisdom.
Powers – Beings who can detain the Devil and
chain demons.
Virtues – Beings who help to enlighten God’s
children – they give Divine and Miraculous Illumination.
Christians may be helped and visited by one or more of these angels. Angels are
doing God’s work all throughout the universe, not just on our planet.
There are four Major Guardians. These are:
Gabriel – Administers the Strength of God.
Uriel – Administers the ethereal Light of God.
Michael – The Leader of Legions of Angels –
monitors corporis solaris.
Raphael – Removes bad spirits and demons from
There are Seven
Archangels. These are:
All of these
beings come into and through the Empyrean Region
- that great region of LIGHT which divides the Second and Third Heaven. They enter into our Pleroma to
do God’s work. They float and flitter through the etheric reality.
Today we have
much more clarity regarding these issues than the Rosicrucians of the past. Our
science and technology have increased and help us greatly in our journey
through time and space. Also, new archeological finds have verified many of our
ancient teachings.
Regarding understanding People:
Antiochene Christians were trying to understand how some old “superstitious”
beliefs might in fact be true “occult science” while at the same time
developing what we would call a more “modern science”. Sir Robert Fludd believed
that he could read peoples temperament and behavior trends by reading palms. Perhaps
even their future could be seen. He wrote extensively on this topic with great
detail and interest. It was seen and understood by Rosicrucian Christians to be
a vehicle for prophetic insight.
While studying Sir
Robert’s writings regarding these issues today, we look for subtle metaphoric
truth and “riddles” in these descriptions. We have found some interesting
esoteric ideas out about this issue which we hope to share soon…as the Spirit
By studying
people’s hands, you can actually learn a lot if you know what to look for.
These early attempts to attach Human behavior to physicality patterns - and attach
discrepancies in behavior to past events that have never been properly healed, continues
Another older practice that ancient
Rosicrucians had was to monitor behavior patterns in people and connect them
with hair-color, shapes of noses, eye color and the like. This was one way to
experiment regarding personality types – using physical markers. Today, with
our modern technology there seems to be some subtle truth to these issues which
we hope to share with you all very soon. Sir Robert Fludd was simply studying
early genetic science. Rosicrucians today have advanced greatly regarding the
knowledge of genetic science.
Bringing all Natural Laws into Harmony:
The goal of the
Rosicrucian is to learn to experience God in everything – continue in Christian
maturity. To bring science, religion, art, and all studies into the Family of God. To bring in perfect harmony and equilibrium
to the Human experience – final Peace & Harmony.
Rosicrucians are doing the Great Work of final reform. We await the utopia that Christ Jesus will finally usher in during the Millennial Reign. Many Christians are training
while here in the Church Era, on Earth - to reign with Christ, on the Renewed Earth.
Though science
cannot prove the reality of God it most certainly can help to establish it –
Divine Intelligence. We use REASON, WISDOM, and FAITH together as a focus when
discussing theological issues. When theology over powers a religious
discussion, religion dies. Though theology helps to define Cosmic
Reality it does not work by itself. We deal with a world full of scientific
facts. Human reason and logic must have humility in large doses
if it is to rightly attain anything.
Natural Law is
Cosmic Law. Our entire universe is filled with laws, billions of unknown laws
and elements yet to be discovered. Some of these laws are being withheld from
us and our understanding because we would use them for destruction through the
sinful nature. People have not even yet learned basic spiritual-alchemy. This Laodicean Counsel involves study and
application of higher laws which Humanity must become educated about – hence,
the LIGHT of the Rosicrucians has come forth again in the year of our LORD,
Humanity must
start with values, goals, and cultural sharing first. Detailed interpretation
of the Cosmic-whole is an ongoing process which includes our precious Christian
Faith. We are Christians first, before anything else. No two Humans are alike
exactly, this means we must respect some of our differences, those which we can
peacefully agree upon. No two Humans will interpret something the exact same
way. Much of this has to do with some of our own personal experiences. Humans
need to begin to understand the complexity of Human behavior in a simple
manner – this is part of the Rosicrucian challenge.
Many people are
still clinging to old beliefs and systems that need upgrades. This is the
Proclamation of the Christian Rosicrucian's to the entire world – ITS TIME TO
UPDATE EVERYTHING. Reorganization galore. The Seventh Counsel to the Church of
Laodicea is coming through “loud and clear”. This is the needed update for all
true Christians. Do not wait or procrastinate. While you still have time, take
time to study with us here.
No more “blind
acceptance” or “status New Age quo”. It is time for the serious Christians
to come forward with God’s word and let God’s word do the answering. There are
“New Truth Values” that God is showing us from His word. A good RATIONAL AND
SCIENTIFIC CHRISTIANITY is starting to appear. As long as the Church is still
here on planet Earth, lets get busy. Grab your Bible and a notebook. We begin
So Mote It Be
*Samuel A.
*E.W. King
*And members of AACM Quorum (February 4th 2025)
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