"Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity.
AAMC Helping with hope for the Golden Age
One must be prepared to learn the knowledge that is now coming forth to help in the Hopes of a Golden Age before the return of Christ - as God calls in the last of His elect. Here is what needs to happen in the ongoing Alchemy:
1-Reduce the arbitrary beliefs.
2-Arive at a ubiquitous level of Truth that all can agree and believe on.
3-Review religious dogmas and sift with Cosmic Law.
4-Understand Humanity as a whole, practice collective reasoning.
5-Stay away from the word “hate”.
6-Develop strong theological redirection which focusses on contemporary issues and difficulties.
7-Return to Human morality, dignity, and respect.
8-Humans must learn to more intelligently transmute energy through proper motivational force.
9-Humans must learn more about how to direct their personal emotions by conscious awareness and better understanding.
10-Begin to more fully understand that Spirit speaks through the subconscious mind to our subjective reasoning and from there manifests in the objective world.
These ten bits of knowledge comprise “The 2025 Alchemical Formula”. True Christians should take notice, study, and apply these steps to help with Christian maturity on a personal and collective level. It is my hope that you continue to fellowship with us here and practice and share what you learn.
So Mote It Be,
Eric Willaim King (January 21st 2025)
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