Thursday, February 27, 2025


What is the Antiochene Church & Rosicrucianism, AACM?

 “Verbum Jehovfe sacrosanctum, Deus verus, Principium et Finis, Alpha et Omega.”

The Rosicrucian, AACM is a Christian Theosophical approach which involves religious philosophy and speculation based on Sola Scriptura and Christian Mystical Experience. The Rosicrucian, AACM movement has Lutheran Christians, Anglican Christians, and Ancient Antiochene Christians involved in its research and study. Its findings are shared and all Christians are invited to view the findings.

It is the hope of all involved with the Rosicrucian, AACM to help Christians who have lots of questions to find answers and to learn to better share their Christian faith. Many have gained a deeper understanding of their faith and have testified that the Christian Rosicrucian, AACM teachings have helped them.



Defining the “Ancient Antiochene Church of God” - What we call the “Antiochene Church” has a “traditional” history and a documented official history. Traditionally, Christians were first called “Christian” in ancient Antioch. The school of the first Antiochene Christians began in Antioch and its rival became the Alexandrian School in Egypt.

The Antiochene School has its roots in its first Bishops. Historically, Apostle Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch. We have studied the history of Ancient Antiochene Christians and trace our history with historical facts. All are invited to research our lectures and articles. On October 10th 2017 Eric William King founded the revival of Ancient Antiochene Theology. He also started two online information ministries; ("The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth"). It is the hope that Christians will research the true history of the Christian faith and find accurate knowledge regarding what the First Church actually taught and believed in.

Lutheran Christian Connection: Jakob Andreae, one of the two authors of the Book of Concord (the Lutheran Confession), is grandfather to Johannes Valentinus Andreae, who claimed to author the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, one of the founding works of Rosicrucianism.

Note: Christian Rosicrucians recognize triodities in everything. 
They encompass all true reality and absolute actuality
This simple law of the triangle is foundational to understanding our Triune 
God and learning to see Divine Intelligence in everything. Its geometry contains
 the secret of unity in formation.


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Robert Fludd was born in Elizabethan England. He was a scientist, doctor, philosopher, and Anglican Christian who accepted the Lutheran Reformation and studied with Mystic Lutherans. Robert Fludd defended the Christian Rosicrucian’s. Many fake groups had placed anonymous tracts out which contained interests and information that was not at all related to the true Rosicrucian’s. Robert Fludd wrote of these false groups:

These imposters… deceive people every day with their superstitious magic, affected astrology, false formulae of a sub-chemistry, or their pranks with deceitful cabala.”

We consider Sir Robert Fludd as one of the most important founders of true Christian Rosicrucian teachings. We welcome all mystics interested to study here. 


Note: Ultimately the universe cannot be explained with mere Human pithy constructions. It is the Cosmic Law of everything that must be recognized before it can be properly utilized. Though man is simple and mortal, he can still use his gifted imagination and envision greater realities. It is through good faith in mans ideas that he tests things and discovers new truths. This is how Christian Rosicrucians grow and learn.

The Egg has been a symbol of new life, resurrection, everlasting life. To the true Mystic it shows that life starts in the fertilized egg. The Easter egg is not a symbol of “anticipating life”, it is LIFE. The egg is a container of matter and thought. The product is hatched. 

~E.W. King

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Note: Please understand. Our conceptual drawings and charts are not completely accurate by any means. They are certainly relatively serviceable to us in understanding the basic concepts of reality. This knowledge comes intuitively and through the Subconscious human mind into the Subjective Thoughts to a completed form in our elemental world. As our expansion in consciousness proceeds, the charts will become clearer to our understanding. Christian Rosicrucian charts and drawings are to help activate the Human imagination with the truth being expressed. 



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What is the Antiochene Church & Rosicrucianism, AACM?   “Verbum Jehovfe sacrosanctum, Deus verus, Principium et Finis, Alpha et Omega.” ...