Robert Fludd
Rosicrucians Welcome!
Fluddian Christian Rosicrucians
~ The Remnant
By Presbyter, Eric William
January 23rd 2025
A true Christian
Rosicrucian understanding of the micro and macro
worlds is so different than many of those groups using the title “Rosicrucian”
today. I would encourage you, if you are new at the AACM (Ancient Antiochene
Christian Mysticism), to read more
than one of our articles to begin to understand just what we teach.
Note: The
acronym AACM means: “Ancient
Antiochene Christian Mysticism”. The acronym AAMC,
which is also used sometimes, means: “Ancient Antiochene Mystic Christian”.
We are the remnant
of the true Fluddian Rosicrucians. Most of us are also Ancient Antiochene Christians, though all
Christians are allowed here. As Christian Rosicrucians we respect some of those who
are not Christian but are using the title Rosicrucian. There are many
groups calling themselves “Rosicrucians” today. Most all of these groups have
contributed in many ways to Humanity over the past hundreds, even thousands of
years ago with their wisdom and knowledge.
Our concern
here, as Christian Rosicrucians, is
to educate those interested in the topic to understanding that the first
original Rosicrucians were in fact Christian Protestants. We understand that
many see a connection with the Rosicrucians and the more ancient mystical
schools, even going back to ancient Egypt. However, the first use of the title
“Rosicrucian” actually has a connection with a Lutheran Mystery School
movement, started a little before the year 1614. In 1614 what became known as the
“Rosicrucian movement” blossomed by becoming public in Germany.
Our records
actually show that what became known as the “Rosicrucian Fraternity”
started in England, and the idea was taken to Germany where the “seed” was
planted. It must be understood that a true Christian Rosicrucian is a
member of a “confraternity”, a spiritual family, connected only together
in that he or she shares the same beliefs – and lives them. The “fraternal order”
or “sorority” of Rosicrucians is only “made up” when one or more true
Rosicrucians are working together to promote Christian Enlightenment and begin
to form an actual “lodge” (there are people who like to start “home
lodges”) – place to meet, great, and study together. There is no “Rosicrucian Office”
or “Church”. We are not a business. Our only real “overseer” is God
We know of many
Christian Rosicrucians now in many different Christian Denominational
(and non-denominational) churches. It is not often safe to let a
church know that you are a Rosicrucian Mystic. They most likely will ignore or
even disfellowship you. Like the true early Christians, we must be careful what
we share and whom we share with. Jesus taught us saying; “Cast not your pearls
before swine (pigs)…” We share as the Holy Spirit directs. We wish no argumentation
or confrontation with other Christians who disagree and we want no public
controversy. We only wish wholesome fellowship in Jesus Christ our LORD. We
also support whatever church that the Holy Spirit leads us to. If you are a
Christian and study here – if you are actually learning something that is good
and can be used to glorify God – we welcome you as a fellow RC.
Join the remnant
and learn with us.
Going forward growing,
learning, healing in Jesus Christ our LORD.
Eric William
King (January 23rd 2025)
“Do not judge according to
appearance, but judge with
righteous judgment.” ~ Jesus Christ
(John 7:24)
*A Glimpse at Antiochene Alchemy
*Antiochene First Earth Information
*Message for those going through hard times
*Robert Fludd and Ancient Antiochene Mysticism
*Introduction to the Seven Heavens
*Greek & Hebrew Thought in Scripture
*Christian Antiochene Facts Revealed
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